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Instructions for Drones College Essay Examples

Title: Collection of Intelligence

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1476 Sources: 12 Citation Style: None Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Collection of US Intelligence: Can consist of Spy's, Satellites, Drones, Human Intelligence, Double Agents, etc ....If paper is sent to me by email I want to be able to edit it on word to add to it thanks.

Needs a tittle page
Fly Sheet (blank page)
Table of Contents
4 pages
Bibliography (Resource Page)

Important has to be double spaced

Excerpt From Essay:


Total Pages: 15 Words: 4289 References: 15 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

My thesis is on Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV): A Law Enforcement Tool. I’m looking at the whole spectrum after 9/11 of the use of CCTV to mitigate terrorist attacks. I would like to focus on the Los Angeles Subway System, especially the Red Line since it has tunnels. Just importantly is the use of CCTV becoming to prevalent and pushes the boundaries of civil rights violations.
Here is a list of items/or categories that will need to be included. In addition are references below that that need to be used:
• Closed-circuit television: a law enforcement tool
• Los Angeles MTA Subway use of CCTV
• Mitigation Measures
• Historical perspective on the use of CCTV
• Law Enforcement and Military Use
• Civilian Use
• Current Use
• Terrorist Events that CCTV was helpful
• London Train Bombing ??" Use of CCTV
• Spain Train Bombing - Use of CCTV
• New York Car bombing attempt recent- Use of CCTV
• CCTV viewed as violation of Civil Rights
• Funding Problems

• Schenkel, G. (2009, September 17). Livewave cctv system. Retrieved from
• TRANGO, . (n.d.). Wireless surveillance systems & homeland security. Retrieved from
• Ng, K. (2010, April 20). Why Cctv is a priority for asian homeland security. Retrieved from
• POST, . (2002). Cctv. POSTNOTE, (175), Retrieved from
• Davenport, J. . (2007, September 19). Tens of thousands of cctv cameras, yet 80% of crime unsolved . Retrieved from
• Lewis, P. (2010, January 23). Cctv in the sky: police plan to use military-style spy drones. Retrieved from

• London underground looks at 'smart' anti-terror cctv monitoring. (2004, March 29). Retrieved from
• Nieto, M. (1997, June). Public video surveilence: is it an effective crime prevention tool. Retrieved from
• Moran, R. . (2010, March 29). Farewell and adieu, jack bauer. Retrieved from
• Kiernan, D., D’Agnese, J., . (2007, November 29). The Official ctu operations manual. Retrieved from
• Nichols, M. (2010, May 3). U.s. sees foreign ties in ny car bomb plot: report. Retrieved from
• Smith, J. (2005, February 5). The Madrid train bombing and the emergence of al qaeda 2.0. Retrieved from
• Cerri Delaney. (2009, December 19). Pressure group says CCTV violates rights :Camera cash 'would be better spent on more police officers'. Lincolnshire Echo,4. Retrieved July 13, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 1924841811).

• Robin Clifford. (2007, February). National Security in the 21st Century. Military Technology, 31(2), 28-29. Retrieved July 13, 2010, from Research Library. (Document
• Lewis, P. (2010, January 23). Cctv in the sky: police plan to use military-style spy drones. Retrieved from

• London underground looks at 'smart' anti-terror cctv monitoring. (2004, March 29). Retrieved from

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: 7 extremely extremely extremely short writing assignments for research paper

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1450 Works Cited: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: I am not requesting for a 7 page essay but I am asking for the completion of 7 separate extremely short writing assignments with 7 separate sets of instructions. Again, these writing assignments are extremely-extremely short and not a single one of them will require the length of a full page.

I would also like to say that these 7 writing assignments all associate with an essay that I have to write and submit in about 4-6 weeks from now. It is a research paper I will later request for the same writer that works on these 7 short assignments to complete the essay for me. These writing assignments will give the writer a good understanding for how the essay should be written and formatted.

I would like to add that when returning the assignments back to me to please break each of them up into separate pages. I will also be electronically sending in a few Adobe documents that will give the writer a better understanding for each set of instructions as well as the instructions for the essay that I will later purchase so that again, the writer can get a general idea for how the essay will be set up.

I also would like to add that whichever writer picks up this assignment to please keep an open line of communication in the “talk with writer” section for I would like to check the progress of the assignments (I promise I will not be of annoyance, I just would like to check once a day to see if you understand each of the assignments or need any clarification with any of the instructions)

I would lastly like to say that there is no Statistical Analysis needed for this assignment, but that there is a specific format that must be followed for writing assignment #5 that MUST be followed. I wasn’t sure if that technically counted as a statistical analysis but if not then just consider it a friendly tip haha. Thank you guys so much for your help, I love what you do!

Below are the professor’s instructions for each assignment. I put notes at the bottom of some of them that you will see in between the **stars** that might be of help to you. Again, please be sure to keep in contact if at any point any of the instructions are confusing. My email is open 24/7 so I will immediately be able to respond once I’m notified that you have asked a question. Thanks again!!!!


WRITING ASSIGNMENT #1 ??" JOURNAL! (200 words minimum)

Write a minimum of 200 words explaining any world conflict you are interested in and why. These are just preliminary thoughts, so let yourself run with it. What draws you to this issue?


1] Writing an initial comment about the specific aspect of the conflict you are probably focusing on for your essay; you should mention what position you are probably going to take and what points you might make.

** I will be electronically sending in the essay instructions for the research paper that I have to write & submit so that you can have an even better understanding of how everything will be working. I honestly think that you should take a look at that first before trying to complete the other writing assignments (Also wanted to say that I am giving you creative control for everything for the completion of the essay when I later request for you again. I am giving you the permission to chose any topic at all as long as it fits the criteria that is being asked of in the instructions)

**I will also be electronically sending in a short “Introduction to the Research Paper” lecture; spoken of in this set of instructions, that will help you with the completion of this assignment as well as the future essay as a whole.


WRITING ASSIGNMENT #3 ??" Opposition/Response Exercise

Opposition/Response Exercise

As the lecture on this more complete version of the Opposition/Response section explains, there are very specific options for responding to an Opposition’s claim. The Opposition has made two assumptions, and you must choose one or both to attack, to prove wrong. This exercise asks you to practice recognizing what those two assumptions are, and thus recognizing what your two choices are for responding to the Opposition.

For each of the Opposition claims below, determine what the two assumptions are.


For example, if the Opposition claims that the Pass/Fail grading system is better for colleges because it creates less stress for students, the two assumptions are: 1] the Pass/Fail system creates less stress for students; and 2] creating less stress for students is a good/important thing to do.


1] America should fight with drones because it puts fewer American soldiers at risk.

2] America should offer aid to countries like Greece because it will protect our own economy.

3] America should end the war on drugs because it creates chaos in other countries.


Type up your own responses

**I will be electronically sending in a short Opposition/Response lecture; spoken of in this set of instructions, that will help you with the completion of this assignment.


WRITING ASSIGNMENT #4 - Legitimate Sources Exercise

As the brief lecture on legitimate sources indicated, online sources are very problematic. Since your job when researching is to find experts who support your argument, you must be able to prove that your sources are experts. This exercise asks you to practice that detective work.

For each of the online articles below, explain to why it is or is not a legitimate source.


1] “John Updike's A & P Gives a Lesson in Class”

2] “A & P: Introduction”

3] The Art of John Updike's "A & P"


**I will be electronically sending in a short “Legitimate Sources” lecture; spoken of in this set of instructions, that will help you with the completion of this assignment.


WRITING ASSIGNMENT #5 - Incorporating Sources Exercise

Pick a sentence from any source (it could be a your New York Times article, or it could be a research source), then use that sentence to create four quotations--one each of the four different forms of incorporating sources that I presented in the lecture: a sentence-style quotation, an incorporated-style quotation, a block-style quotation, and a paraphrase-style "quotation." Your 4 sentences must also include the correct in-text citations.

Note, for the block-style quotation, do not worry if the sentence you are quoting is not actually four lines; this is just practice.

**I will be electronically sending in a short “Incorporating Sources” lecture; spoken of in this set of instructions, that will help you with the completion of this assignment.


WRITING ASSIGNMENT #6 - MLA In-Text Citation Exercise

There are five sentences below, which include quotations. None of them is cited correctly. Each citation has two errors.

Your task is to determine WHAT IS WRONG with each citation (look at what goes inside/outside the parentheses, as well as punctuation).You should review the MLA rules for in-text parenthetical citations and, perhaps, have the MLA rules at hand when answering the questions. Take your time; there is no time limit. Type up your answer 7 submit them to me.
1] According to Kepner's (2011) research, "Attitudes can change with time. Blyleven started with 17.5 percent of the vote, in 1998, but his totals climbed as voters developed a deeper understanding of his statistics, partly at the urging of bloggers" (Kepner).

2] The author notes that “in 2006, the Scripps Research Institute in California discovered that delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, can prevent an enzyme called acetyl cholinesterase from accelerating the formation of 'Alzheimer's plaques' in the brain.” (Smith, 26)

3] The American Cancer Society says that “marijuana has anti-bacterial properties, inhibits tumor growth, and enlarges the airways, which they believe can ease the severity of asthma attacks.” (Unknown 14)

4] The author states, “Numerous and diverse sensors in commonplace environments can record users contextual information, leading to users unwittingly leaving digital footprints” (p. 2).

5] According to Deanna Reising, “Failure to follow the proper procedure for a specific skill (such as giving medications or inserting a nasogastric tube) is malpractice" (Pg1 Par6).



Judging by the titles of most student essays, titles are mere afterthoughts that have little bearing on the reader’s evaluation. However, that is wrong. The title is the very first thing that a reader will look at; it is, therefore, the very first opportunity to win or lose the reader. A good title will engage the reader, make the reader intrigued enough to want to read the essay. A poor title will tell the reader that the essay is the work of an amateur, or a student, someone who is not an expert. Thus, a poor title tells the reader to not bother. Even someone who is required to read an article with a poor title will be affected by that title. A reader with a bad attitude may not fairly judge your work.

The most common way for a student to betray their inexperience is by giving the assignment number as the title (for example, “Essay #1”).The second most common way to betray one’s inexperience is to include the title of the story/poem/etc. as the title of one’s essay (for example, “A & P”).The first of these is not a title, but a label; the second of these is not the student’s title, but John Updike’s title. You are stealing his title.

There is a simple formula for most professional titles. It has become something of a cliché, but that does not mean it is ineffective .Just look through the title of articles in your library’s databases, and you will see this format used frequently. The formula includes two parts: the imaginative/creative title (followed by a colon), and then the literal title. Here is the formula:

Imaginative/Creative Title: Literal Title

The imaginative/creative title is like the first line(s) of your essay. It is designed to be eye-catching in a provocative or humorous way. It should be something that will startle the reader, or wake the reader up out of his/her daze, or make the reader laugh out loud. Then, one uses the literal title to tell the reader what the real content of the essay is. Here is an example:

"All Good Things Start With the Women": The Origin of the Texas Birth Control Movement, 1933-1945.

Because this format has also become a cliché, however, one or the other of the two titles will generally be dropped. An article might have only the imaginative/creative title. Here is an example that makes fun of football headlines:

How State Beat Church.

On the other hand, an article may have only a literal title. Here is an example:

Choice of birth control methods among European women and the role of partners and providers.

Occasionally, one will see an article with two literal or imaginative/creative titles, instead of a combination. Here is an example:

Arsenic Levels in the Soil and Risk of Birth Defects: A Population- Based Case-Control Study Using GIS Technology

Whatever title format you choose for your future work, you should always consider how you want that title to appear. Being funny carries risks, since your reader may decide you are flippant, or not taking the material very seriously, which might make the reader prejudge your work. On the other hand, being literal runs the risk of making your work appear boring and dry. Always decide who your reader is, then choose a title format that either will appeal to the reader or will suit your reader’s expectations.

As practice, create a title for your current essay in each of the four variations discussed above. These four titles cannot be simple copies of each other, though; for example, you cannot have your first title be this:

"All Good Things Start With the Women": The Origin of the Texas Birth Control Movement, 1933-1945,

your second title be this:

"All Good Things Start With the Women,"

and then your third title be this:

The Origin of the Texas Birth Control Movement, 1933-1945.


They must all be very different. Type up your four titles and submit them to me.

There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (Serban) completes this order.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: modern warfare

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1516 Bibliography: 5 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: you are to write about how technology is changing the course of warfare in modern times. examples would be unmanned drones and etc. write about how the technology is improving over the years and how modern warfare is about who has the better technology. make sure the language is not that complicated because this is not an advanced class.

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