Essay Instructions: Examine your personal philosophy of education and determine where it falls within the five educational philosophies described. Take the personal preference philosophy assessment. Write a reflection that summarizes your philosophy of education, based on your assessment results. Include examples of your philosophy from the five philosophies described in the assessment.
Outline how your philosophy will guide the curriculum goals and design.
1. Describe the resulting curriculum planning process.
2. Determine what critical questions your curriculum must answer and the essential elements that must be present in your school for adhering to your philosophy.
3. Compare your philosophy to your school’s mission statement and beliefs statement. How does your personal educational philosophy fit with that of your educational system?
My school mission statement
Our mission, through the collaboration of all stakeholders, is to provide the academic, social, emotional and physical development of all students by valuing the importance of diversity, citizenship and academic achievement in preparing them for our global community.
District Mission
All students will graduate with a vision for their futures, motivated to learn continually and prepared to succeed in their choice of college or career.
The 5 Philosophies are:
• Idealist:
• Realist:
• Experimentalist:
• Existentialist:
I took the philosophy assessment and fell in pattern 3 . But you may choose to take short survey if it makes it easier for you to write the paper. Its up to you but I just think it would be easier for you- wherever you fall is ok with me. Here is the survey:
Respond to the 40 questions as directed. The survey question numbers that relate to the five standard philosophies of education are as follows:
• Perennialist: 6,8,10,13,15,31,34,37
• Idealist: 9,11,19,21,24,27,29,33
• Realist: 4,7,12,20,22,23,26,28
• Experimentalist: 2,3,14,17,25,35,39,40
• Existentialist: 1,5,16,18,30,32,36,38
Scoring Steps
• For each set of numbers, add the value of the answers given. In a single set of numbers, the total should fall between 8 (all ones) and 40 (all fives).
• Divide the total score for each set by 5.
• Plot the scores on the graph below.
Strength of Belief
Perennialist Idealist Realist Experimentalist Existentialis
Interpretation of Scoring
Pattern 1. If your profile on the response grid is basically flat, reflecting approximately the same score for each set of questions, an inability to discriminate in terms of preference is indicated.
Pattern 2. If your pattern is generally a diagonal/slanting line across the grid, you show a strong structured (slanting down) preference of non-structured (slanting up) orientation in your reported beliefs about schools.
Pattern 3. If your pattern appears as a bimodal or trimodal distribution (two or three peaks), it indicates indecisiveness on crucial issues and suggests the need for further clarification. The closer the peaks, the less contradiction in the responses.
Pattern 4. If the pattern appears U-shaped, a significant amount of value inconsistency is indicated. Such a response would suggest strong beliefs in very different and divergent systems. This is unusually and somewhat confusing.
Pattern 5. Finally, a pattern that is simply a flowing curve without sharp peaks and valleys may suggest either an eclectic philosophy or a person only beginning to study his or her own philosophy.
Directions: Respond to each of the following items according to the strength of your belief, scoring the item on a scale of 1 through 5. A “1” indicates strong disagreement, a “5” strong agreement. Use a separate sheet of paper.
• Ideal teachers are constant questioners.
• Schools exist for societal improvement.
• Teaching should center around the inquiry technique.
• Demonstration and recitation are essential components for learning.
• Students should always be permitted to determine their own rules in the educational process.
• Reality is spiritual and rational.
• Curriculum should be based on the laws of natural science.
• The teacher should be a strong authority figure in the classroom.
• The student is a receiver of knowledge.
• Ideal teachers interpret knowledge.
• Lecture??"discussion is the most effective teaching technique.
• Institutions should seek avenues toward self-improvement through an orderly process.
• Schools are obligated to teach moral truths.
• School programs should focus on social problems and issues.
• Institutions exist to preserve and strengthen spiritual and social values.
• Subjective opinion reveals truth.
• Teachers are seen as facilitators of learning.
• Schools should be educational “smorgasbords.”
• Memorization is the key to process skills.
• Reality consists of objects.
• Schools exist to foster the intellectual process.
• Schools foster an orderly means for change.
• There are essential skills everyone must learn.
• Teaching by subject area is the most effective approach.
• Students should play an active part in program design and evaluation.
• A functioning member of society follows rules of conduct.
• Reality is rational.
• Schools should reflect the society they serve.
• The teacher should set an example for the students.
• The most effective learning does not take place in a highly structured, strictly disciplined environment.
• The curriculum should be based on unchanging spiritual truths.
• The most effective learning is nonstructured.
• Truth is a constant expressed through ideas.
• Drill and factual knowledge are important components of any learning environment.
• Societal consensus determines morality.
• Knowledge is gained primarily through the senses.
• There are essential pieces of knowledge that everyone should know.
• The school exists to facilitate self-awareness.
• Change is an every present process.
• Truths are best taught through the inquiry process.
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