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Colonisation Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Colonisation College Essay Examples

Title: Family Health Care Health Issues and Australian Indigenous People

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1334 References: 7 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Essay

Indigenous Australians carry an excessive burden of ill-health in comparison with Australia’s non-Indigenous population. Many factors have complicated this situation including colonisation, loss of land, loss of identity, exclusion from society, educational opportunities and employment opportunities plus health issues and a lack of health education.

For this assessment students need to submit an essay discussing the impact of Colonisation on the evolution of the health issues/burden of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. In your discussion you will need to include social, psychological, cultural, historical and environmental factors relating to the colonisation of Australia, and how this has impacted upon Indigenous Australians and supports that understanding using relevant and current sources.

How to set out your essay - You may use sub-headings in the body of the essay.

Organise your writing as follows:


This should inform the reader of what you intend to cover in this essay. State in your opening paragraph your overall aim when responding to the essay question and then outline the aspects of the topic you will discuss.

Criteria 1.

Discussion conveys an historical understanding of the process of colonisation of Australia, and supports that understanding using relevant and current sources.

Criteria 2.

Identifies four (4) factors of colonisation that have impacted on the health of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People, and supports that understanding using relevant and current sources.

Criteria 3.

Discussion conveys the impact of colonisation on individual; family; and
Community, and supports that understanding using relevant and current sources.

Criteria 4.

Discussion conveys cultural, historical, sociological, psychological and environmental factors relating to the colonisation of Australia, and how this has impacted upon Indigenous Australians and supports that understanding using relevant and current sources. Include information that demonstrate your understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander constructs of health and well-being as distinct from western medical model frameworks and a western worldview of health.


In your final conclusion summarise the main points you have discussed in your essay

Word Limit: 1100 words
Read the question and then construct a formal essay using the criteria provided to inform your work.

? You are required to use a minimum of at least 7 sources published no earlier than 2005 (including the 3 journal articles) to inform your essay.
? Your work will be assessed using the marking criteria included below.

? You are expected to write in an academic style.
? You MUST acknowledge the source of all your information within your essay (in-text referencing) and in a Reference List at the end of your essay.
? For accurate referencing you must use the American Psychological Association (APA)
? Words limit 1100 words.

Marking criteria
criteria1:Discussion consistently conveys evidence of synthesis in terms of demonstrating an understanding of the process of colonisation of Australia and supports this with relevant and current sources.
Sources used are highly relevant to support work and are integrated skilfully and critically. Explanations are of the highest quality. The work is clearly written and an outstanding use of literature is demonstrated.

Discussion consistently conveys evidence of evidence of synthesis of analysis in terms of understanding four (4) factors of colonisation that impact on the health of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People.
Sources used are highly relevant to support work and are integrated skilfully and critically. Explanations are of the highest quality. The work is clearly written and an outstanding use of literature is demonstrated.

Discussion consistently conveys evidence of synthesis of analysis in terms of understanding the impact of colonisation on individual; family; and community.
Sources used are highly relevant to support work and are integrated skilfully and critically. Explanations are of the highest quality. The work is clearly written and an outstanding use of literature is demonstrated

Discussion consistently conveys evidence of synthesis of analysis in terms of understanding cultural, historical, sociological, psychological and
environmental factors relating to the colonisation of Australia, and how this has impacted upon Indigenous Australians. Discussion also includes information that demonstrates your understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander constructs of health and well-being as distinct from western medical model frameworks and a western worldview of health.

Sources used are highly relevant to support work and are integrated skilfully and critically. Explanations are of the highest quality. The work is clearly written and an outstanding use of literature is demonstrated

Introduction is clear, well constructed and leads the reader to expectations of the essay.
Clear and well organised conclusion paragraph that summarises accurately the key points made throughout the essay and has a concluding sentence.

The essay presents a logical sequence and coherent flow. The writing style demonstrates use of sophisticated vocabulary and accurate grammar and the spelling is accurate. No incidence of discriminatory language usage.
Adheres to word limit.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Aboriginal People in Australia Aboriginal

Total Pages: 10 Words: 3040 Works Cited: 6 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Hello,

I've already thought about an outline for the paper. Please try to stick to it, unless you have plausible reasons not to do so.

Aboriginal people in white society: Protection and segregation from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century

1 Introduction
(e.g. current event: National Sorry Day; Kevin Rudd (Premier)’s apology, example for a particular case, outline/structure)

2 Historical and social background (briefly)
2.1 Indigenous Australians and the impact of British settlement (1788) (link to British social history, colonisation)

3 Protection and segregation of Indigenous Australians
3.1 Government Policy: The Aboriginal Protection Act/Board
3.2 Racial Ideology: Whitening / genocide (Darwinism: The great Chain of Being)
3.3 Assimilation into white institutions
3.4 Missionaries: Civilizing the natives
3.5 Ghettoization: reserves (Fringe Dwellers), Mission and Pastoral Stations
3.6 Stolen Generation

4 Move towards self-determination (briefly)
4.1 Popularizing Aboriginality
4.2 Legislation: Voting rights, etc.

5 Conclusion
(e.g. personal CRITICAL opinion, own opinion, today’s situation, outlook)

The most important main Part (3. Protection and Segregation...) is not structured yet and probably needs to be completed and/or organized in a logic way. All the ideas and aspects (3.1 - 3.6) I have thought should be mentioned and explained though.

The critical reflection (5.)of certain aspects or the whole topic is really essential and defintely worth more words than a conclusion usually contains, even more than 4. ("Move towards..."), as it shows that you as a writer can do more than just paraphrasing what has once been written by someone else (that's what my prof at uni said;-) )

You can include footnotes, if necessary. Please also include a number of quotations and parenthetical citations.

The grade of the term paper is very important to me, as it is part of the grade of my 1st State Exam (in Germany). As I am studying English, besides the content, the language itsself is very important too.

Thanks a lot!

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Stolen Generation

Total Pages: 10 Words: 3004 Bibliography: 6 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Hello,

I've already thought about an outline for the paper. Please try to stick to it, unless you have plausible reasons not to do so.

Stolen Generation

1 Introduction
(e.g. current event: National Sorry Day; Kevin Rudd (Premier)’s apology, example for a particular child's case, outline/structure of the paper)

2 Historical and social background (biefly)
2.1 Indigenous Australians and the impact of British settlement (1788) (link to British social history, colonisation)
2.2 "Protection" and segregation of Aboriginal people in the 19th century

3 Stolen Generation
3.1 Emergence of the child removal policy and policy in practice
3.2 Consequences and effects of the Aboriginal Act 1869
? Numbers and facts
? Institutional and other placement types
? Separation from family and Indigenous community (culture)
? Violence and sexual abuse
? Long-term effects and trauma
? Reunion

4 Reparation (briefly)
4.1 Public awareness
4.2 Acknowledgement and apology

5 Conclusion
(e.g. personal CRITICAL opinion, today’s situation, outlook)

The critical reflection of certain aspects or the whole topic is really essential and defintely worth more words than a conclusion usually contains, even more than 4. ("Reparation"), as it shows that you as a writer can do more than just paraphrasing what has once been written by someone else (that's what my prof at uni said;-) )

You can include footnotes, if necessary. Please also include a number of quotations and parenthetical citations.

The grade of the term paper is very important to me, as it is part of my grade for the 1st State Exam (in Germany). As I am studying English, besides the content, the language itsself is very important, too.

Thanks a lot!

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Market Society and the Public Sphere

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1350 Sources: 6 Citation Style: None Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: you will pick one of your journal entries and expand it into a 1000 word discussion in essay form. in this piece you should explain what you have chosen this piece as the basis for thinking about the issues in the unit. i am being asked for a reflection on the value of the reading:

modern totalitarian state would further sap participating energies necessary to a democratic culture. contemporary commentators like Tocqueville and baumen discuss the decline of the public sphere and some have seen the major threats somewhat differently. today the biggest challenge in the modern public sphere appears to come from aggressive attempts to universalise the norms, expectations and purpose of the market. a market that tries to impose its norms across all aspects of life, would see individuals encountering each other as buyers and sellers in every domain of their activities and means colonisation of all social processes and interations.

please note citation style is called structurisation e.g Giddings (1979: 40-79)

my journal entry was:
The contemporary nature of the world is transitioning into a single market and seeing the same retailers and brands as well as interdependence and interconnectedness of goods, services, people ,capital and information. it promotes a borderless free world. many like goldsmith say there is no cause for celebration as this process of globalisation is stimulating social disintegration. it is clear that the balance of power has shifted away from government to a power of the markets and is constantly challenging and isolating individuals, localism and culture which has been seen in backlashes from isolated communities.

Excerpt From Essay:

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