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Anger Management Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Anger Management College Essay Examples

Title: Anger Management for Urban High School Students

Total Pages: 20 Words: 6725 Bibliography: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Hi Essaytown,
I wanted to make sure we are clear. You can post the order with a deadline date of Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 10pm EST. The specifications are as follows and can be sent to the writer:
Three chapters (Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5) plus an abstract

Previous research on chapters one and two is attached for the benefit of the writer. If any questions arise, please contact the customer immediately.

The purpose of the paper is to present a sound argument for the need of an anger management program in an Urban High School. So research and sources should be directed at 9th – 12th grade urban High School students.

This request is a total of 20 pages. Please use APA style writing. When citing, please use APA style in-paragraph citations (with page numbers if they are available, if not please use paragraph numbers. Please do not use footnotes. A reference page pleted in APA format is fine. Feel free to use the existing references from the attachment: References-resources and articles to support your statements or use new references. If you use new references please make sure they are from professional journals and attach a copy of the article with the paper.

The guidelines are as follows:
Chapter Three: Application (8-9 pages not including customer’s contributions)
This chapter describes in detail the counseling application you have developed. This chapter will include an overview of the program, goals of the intervention, description of the target population, and a plete description (week by week) of what will be done in the program.
The following subheadings should be used (underlined and flush left)
Rationale [supplied by customer in file attachment: Anger Reference Draft]
Using Anger Management in Groups
Practical Considerations
Week by Week Interventions [supplied by customer in file attachment: Anger Reference Draft]


Chapter Four: Program Evaluation (5 pages)

This chapter presents the procedures that you will use to evaluate the oute of the intervention when it is actually carried out and your views of the strengths and weaknesses of the application that you have created. This chapter must include the following subheads although more can be used if needed.

Evaluation of Program Outes
Strengths of the program
Limitations of the program

Chapter Five: Summary and Remendations (5 pages)

This chapter summarizes the work done and suggests directions for future work on the topic, including research and program development. Included in this chapter is a discussion of how the student intends to revise the weaknesses described in chapter four. The following are suggested subheads:

Summary of the Program
Comparison to Other Programs
Remendations for Program Improvement
Remendations for Future Work in this Area

Abstract (1 page)

Please let me know immediately whether or not you can meet the requirements of this request.



There are faxes for this order.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Anger Management in Adolescents

Total Pages: 6 Words: 1626 Sources: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Please have this be a literature review of FIVE research studies or articles that have been published in a psychology journal. The paper should be about methods of Anger Management for Adolescents (high school age kids).

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: anger

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1741 References: 8 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: The topic that I chose is anger...I would like some link to anger management.....The title that I had considered is taking control of your anger before it takes control of outline had a title page... anger defined in the intro...causes of anger...effects of anger...theories about/applied to anger...learning to manage anger...conclusion....considered sources apa format...the follow up project that I am considering doing is on a comparison of if males or females are angrier,,,which one copes better??...
Research Paper Guidelines/notes
The Research Paper has the following three purposes: 1) to increase your knowledge about a specific area, 2) to make you more proficient in forming and expressing knowledge, and 3) to raise your grade in the course. 1) Since this course covers a large amount of content, it is impossible to become expert in every area, but in the area of your greatest interest you can gain some sophistication. 2) A Christian professional often holds a minority opinion because of having a Christian worldview which guides decisions. You must express those opinions with clarity, accuracy, and technical correctness, in order to be heard and believed. You will often have an interest in being heard and believed since you are basing your beliefs on absolute truth; the best means of being heard is by being accurate and proficient. You will not have to continue writing research papers for all of your life, but this is the way of practicing your skills now in order to be proficient later in making presentations and proposals. The most effective witness is to offer help (professional, personal, spiritual) that is appealing in its truth, content, and method of presentation. 3) The tests are intended to be discriminative in determining your level of conceptual understanding (objective portions) and your ability to apply the concepts (essay portions). The research and writing will allow you to raise that grade as much as is needed with your effort. I will help at any stage of the thought, research, synthesis, and editing.

Choose a topic that has meaning to you—a special interest, a problem encountered by you or someone you know, or an issue that may be useful in your later work. The topic must involve human learning, but may be social learning, skill learning, spiritual learning, not just academic or cognitive areas of learning. Describe some problem involved in learning and some possible solutions. In choosing the topic, consider the population (age, gender, circumstances) with whom you may work. Apply at least one theory of learning, although you may certainly need to take into account other theories which will help to explain the current topic. The possible solutions that you find in research may come from one or more theories, or the theory(ies) may suggest a possible solution. The research may or may not mention a theory; you may have to combine your reading with your growing knowledge of the theories of learning in order to match theories with the suggested treatments or solutions. There is not one right answer to the difficult problems of human learning, but each of the theories may suggest a solution or a part of the solution. Your greatest asset is to have access to a variety of possible solutions to human problems of learning.

Find at least five research sources that deal with your topic of interest. Your final topic may develop somewhat as you read the research findings. Look for research sources primarily. Popular writing and web pages will have useful and interesting information also, but your minimum of five Research Paper sources must be scientifically reviewed sources such as those published in journals. It is a good idea to start with your textbook, and it may be used as an additional source. The Bible is the ultimate source of truth, but it will not be used as a way of avoiding other research sources. Use biblical reference(s), in addition to the minimum of five research sources. Add other interesting sources that you find.

You do not need to submit an outline with the final Paper, but it will be easier to write, and to read, if you start by writing an outline. Organize your information and sources by the outline. Write only one section of the outline at a sitting for the best clarity (you also will not dread it if you only plan to write one section—no cramming a whole paper into one night or it will definitely show!). Write the introduction and the conclusion of the paper last, after you know the content of the major sections. A good 5-page paper will probably have about 5 sections—Introduction, 3-4 main points, Conclusion. The final paragraph should point to your original Research Project—why it is needed (lack of information published), what it will accomplish (start to fill that void), and how it will be done. Formal hypotheses can be stated, or informal intentions can be stated.

Refer to the Instructions for the Paper and Project with the Research Paper and Project Score Sheet in the Learning Activities of Module 3. Cite the source for every idea stated in the paper (no quotations please), using this format: (Brown, Smith, & Young, 2000). Use a new citation only when the source changes; do not repeat a citation until the source is cited again after a change of source. Present the Evaluation form for the Research Paper and the Research Project with the Paper and Project.

Research Paper Evaluation/Score Sheet
Content outside of textbook, 5+ pages 20 points
Theory of Learning 10 points
APA format 10 points
Formal writing style 5 points
5+ research sources, including 2+ original research journal articles (<2websites) 5 points
5+ publication dates within the last 5 years 5 points
References complete, accurate 10 points

Excerpt From Essay:

Essay Instructions: "FOR SEIKEN ONLY"

Using CBT intervention.

The client John - 15 years oid.
Study in secondary Three normal academic.
Joint a gangster group since the age of 13 years. Join gang for protection outside and in school.
Arrested by police in mid -2012 at a gang settlement talk at Pioneer Mall Shopping Centre.
Sentence to 6 months in a corrective Boy's Home.
John has anger management issues since he was in upper Primary school. Always being punished at home and in school.
Live in a HDB flat - 4 room flat at Bukit Batok.
Both parents working as a rack and bone person. Leave home early in morning and come home late, with little time for John and the younger son.
Have a younger brother in Primary 2.
John, has resisted taking drugs offered by his peers, due to fear that he will get caught by police with possession of drug and get death sentence. Take up smoking instead due to boredom.

Referred to counselling by the Juvenile home after his arrest.

John is very uncooperative in first few sessions of counselling ( partly due to inexperience of trainee counsellor).

This essay would be base on a similar or almost similar case that you have counselled, base on above limited items. Unable to provide much input and essy would be more of an imaginary case.

At the end, we would like the success of the case as encouraging, and eveluate on it.

Please see attachement for guidelines on case study report. PLease ensure the various points are followed.

You can take up to 7 days to complete instead of 5 days.

Excerpt From Essay:

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