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Analytical Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Analytical College Essay Examples

Title: Analytical review of book Transformation of American Law 1780 1860 by Horwitz

Total Pages: 2 Words: 523 Bibliography: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Analytical review of The Transformation of American Law, 1780-1860 by Morton J. Horwitz
What the author has to say...thesis/argument of the book.
Summarize what is important and how the author supports it.
What do i think about the thesis and what proves it?
Anything else i care to add...

no more than 750 words...

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: How does Katnisp?&H??H[???[Z[HY??X???Z]?[?[?H?[Y

Total Pages: 2 Words: 767 Sources: 4 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Analytical Response Essay

Purpose: The purpose of the assignment is to give you the opportunity to experiment with your ideas, analyze texts, and hone your analytical writing skills.
Length Requirement: Your analytical response should be approximately three complete double-spaced pages. Note that this page length is a guideline. If your essay needs to be longer because you are writing about a full-length text or have a complex idea to prove?not because your writing is sloppy or unfocused or your quote lengths excessive?that?s great. If your response is slightly short, but you?re sure that it?s complex and thoroughly developed, stop writing.
Step One: Choose any assigned major text of our course (In Cold Blood, Helter Skelter, Defending Jacob, or Hunger Games). If your contextual presentation group analyzed a text, you may use the same text for your Analytical Response, as long as you don?t repeat what was already said in your report or what was discussed in class.
Step Four: Develop a detailed, unique thesis that will enlighten the reader beyond the obvious. It should make an interpretive assertion that can be debated. Avoid ?no duh? thesis statements, such as, ?Hunger.Games explores a woman?s struggle against adversity.? Here?s a tip that seems weird, but it really works! If you?re having trouble with your thesis statement, narrow the focus. Zoom in to a passage, a character flaw, or a detail that seems significant and go from there.
Step Five: Writing the Analytical Response
? The response must be on a topic or idea that we haven?t completely covered in class. You are welcome to use my discussion questions as a guide.
? These responses are not just notes or a recap of the plot. You must present and defend an idea about the text that is not obvious to or readily agreed on by every reader, which means going beyond ?what happened.? As a good rule of thumb, keep summary of the text to one sentence (and only if needed).
? Think of these responses as mini persuasive essays in which you use the text as evidence. Your thesis should be clear in the first paragraph and the ending should pull your ideas together and/or emphasize a crucial point (not summarize what you?ve already said). The bulk of your response should prove your idea by bringing in direct textual references and explaining how they support your interpretation.
? Each response should explore a single idea or question. Use textual evidence to explain and support your idea, and make sure that it?s fully developed. While you are encouraged and advised to use your notes to help you sort through your ideas, your responses should be polished, focused, well-written, well-organized, and thesis-driven. They should also demonstrate critical and independent thinking.
? You may not use research except contextual information (facts about the writer, time period, or supporting materials to explore the context such as criminology concepts) in your writings for this class. ?Research? includes the Internet and literary resource sites.
? Your analysis should incorporate passages from the book throughout. Use MLA style guidelines (including in-text parentheticals) for citations and text quotations, but you do not need to include a Works Cited page if you are only using the assigned text and you are using the same text edition that I assigned. Follow the formatting guidelines listed on the syllabus.

Excerpt From Essay:

Essay Instructions: Analytical Paper : Descriptive and analytical account of the theatrical underpinnings of a selected social or cultural performance. Potential topics are virtually limitless. Papers should be based on your own participant-observations of and reflections on the performance in question, and the analysis should be grounded in the theories, concepts, and terminology introduced in this course.

should be 5 pp. in length (typed, double-space, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins), well organized, written clearly, concisely, and cogently, and carefully proofread for errors.

Elizabeth Bell writes: ?In theater and film, ?gender trouble? is comedy. In the real world, identity issues are carefully policed, and we are punished for performing these identities incorrectly.? It is for this reason that performativity offers a new way of understanding performance. To faking, making, and breaking, we can add staking (a claim on identity). In this paper, we ask you to explore ?that risky and dangerous negotiation between a doing (a reiteration of norms) and a thing done (discursive conventions that frame our interpretations), between someone?s body and the conventions of embodiment? (Diamond 5).

reflect your understanding of performativity by 1) sharing a personal narrative in which you or someone you know failed to carry off a ?natural? performance of identity?either because s/he fell short of or exceeded expectations, thereby highlighting (and possibly challenging) the norm. The idea is for you to tell a story about a moment when the performativity of identity came to rest on a particular, embodied, relational, and historic performance. You may choose to write about gender, class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, or some combination thereof.

Once you?ve chosen a story to share, you can use the following questions to guide your analysis of what happened: Does your story involve the establishment, observance, policing, or subversion of normative boundaries? How are these boundaries communicated? Are these normative boundaries enacted in institutions? If so, what institutions are involved in the performance? To what extent does your performance involve the choreography of identity? In other words, how is identity materially embodied and performed? Does shame play a role in your story? Please explain. Do the bodies involved in your story feel the weight of history? If so, how? Do they feel it equally? Finally, does the performance in question subvert or reinforce norms of identity? Please explain.

Excerpt From Essay:

Essay Instructions: Analytical Paper
Instructions: In a 7 paper??"a paper containing seven to eight full pages of text (not counting a title page or reference page)??"you are to examine the key aspects of themes explored in either The Condition of the Working Class in England, King Leopold's Ghost, Heart of Darkness, and the documents in Sources of World Societies Volume 2 since 1500. You are to answer the questions below in your paper.

One of the themes that we have explored this semester have been the connections between industrial capitalism and imperialism during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Making significant analytical use of The Condition of the Working Class in England, King Leopold's Ghost, and Heart of Darkness ??"as well as at least three primary historical sources from Sources of World Societies??"write a 7-8 page analytical paper that addresses ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:

In The Condition of the Working Class in England, Friedrich Engels gives insight in the lives and work of workers in the early Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. (A) Who is the "working class" according to Engels? (B) What are their working conditions like? (C) What are their living conditions like? (D) What political values do they seem to hold? (E) According to Engels, what political values should they hold? (F) What class is this working class in opposition with or being oppressed by in Great Britain? (G) What is the nature of that oppression? (H) Is this type of class-based oppression a new phenomenon, according to later writings of Engels and Karl Marx? (H) What seems to be the nature of the relationship??"if any??"between industrial capitalism and imperialism during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? (I) Adam Hochschild and Joseph Conrad describe European colonialism and imperialism in Africa. What is the nature of European efforts or goals (cultural, economic, political, social) in Africa that they describe? (J) Does imperialism there change over time? (K) In what ways to Africans resist or assist European efforts? (L) What was the impact of European colonialism (overseas acquisition up to approximately the mid-1700s) and imperialism (overseas acquisition from the mid-1700s) in Africa? (M) By the early twentieth century, what seem to have been the overall effects of industrial capitalism and imperialism on world politics, economics, and social and class tensions in countries in the world?

Be sure to draw on specific examples from The Condition of the Working Class in England, King Leopold's Ghost, Heart of Darkness, and the documents in Sources of World Societies Vol II since 1500s. in order to construct an argument that addresses all of these questions.

Sources: You must draw on specific examples from The Condition of the Working Class in England, King Leopold's Ghost, Heart of Darkness, and at least THREE other sources from Sources of World Societies in to support your argument and illustrate points. This is not a research paper, so you need not do any other research. If you would like to incorporate other works into your paper, you must contact me with the information of these other works so that they can be approved prior to their usage. INTERNET SOURCES ARE NOT TO BE USED UNLESS GIVEN PERMISSION.

Finally, evidence from your sources ought to be incorporated well and used judiciously. Large block quotations that fill up space in your paper but do not help advance your argument will be grounds for deductions in terms of the grade for the paper. I would much rather hear what you wrote in a seven-page paper in which there is less direct quotations than see a eight-page paper that has many direct quotations in which I read less of your own ideas. Hearing what you think about the prompt is what I am interested in after all.

Citations of Sources: Whenever quoting or paraphrasing any work, you must cite them or this is plagiarism and grounds to fail the assignment. You must cite them parenthetically. If you do not cite or do so improperly, you will lose points. A reference page is unnecessary if you are only using texts from this course.

Grading Criteria:
Writing grades will be based on the following considerations.
1. You have written a clear and comprehensive thesis statement in the opening paragraph.
2. You have answered and followed the directions of the assignment properly.
3. You have organized your answer(s) into logical paragraphs.
4. You have supplied adequate evidence to back up your argument and thesis.
5. You have written an analytical conclusion.
6. You have provided specific references to your sources and have properly cited those sources.

Graded Work Guidelines:
a.) It is your responsibility to get any assignment to me. I will not accept responsibility for papers left at the switchboard, deposited at any other location (learning center) or handed to fellow instructors.
b.) All work except for in-class quizzes or exams must be typed
c.) All work more than one page should be stapled before coming to class.
d.) All work should be proofread and spell checked before handing in.
e.) All student work should be original and not derived from Internet, primary or secondary sources.
f.) All assignments should include your name, course, section number and date.

Specifications: The heading should be single spaced, the text should be double spaced with at least seven full pages with one-inch margins

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