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A Personal Matter Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for A Personal Matter College Essay Examples

Title: A Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Oe

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1262 Bibliography: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: The book is '' A Personal Matter'' by Kenzaburo Oe
ISBN is 6

The topic is
'' Discuss the final 3 pages of the book ( beginning p.163, ''it was the end of autumn'') Do you believe in Bird's abrupt change of heart? What evidence is there that Oe wants us to believe entirely? What evidence does he provide that casts doubt on the sudden change? Pay close attention to details of text ! ''

Please read the entire book carefully. Do not summarize plots ! Cite exmaples from the texts, with page numbers, to support your arguments. No footnotes needed.

Please write paper from the scratch and I do not want paper copied from somewhere. I want the orignal! thank you very much !

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Project

Total Pages: 23 Words: 6342 Sources: 25 Citation Style: Harvard Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Academic level of Your writing:BA Hons degree Final Year (u.k)

Could I have writer SERBAN BREBENEL conduct the dissertation.
This is a business and marketing dissertation and is to be based on the project proposal I have attached. I have changed some objectives and you should focus more on the nature, implications and drivers of re-intermediation in the travel industry. “high street” is not sufficient; on/off line can have both in parallel. Sufficient use of journal articles need to be used, along with all interviews and questionnaires made, results found, and problems encountered.

Problem Identification (10%)
To what extent was the nature of the problem identified original and challenging?
Are the objectives/hypothesis clear and applicable?
Dose the research question identify a gap in the literature?

Literature review (15%)
Was there comprehensive coverage of the relevant literature?
To what extent there was clear evidence of reading/references from appropriate sources?

Methodology and Data Collection (15%)
Was the chosen research method(s) appropriate to the subject and well justified?
Was the empirical data appropriate to the subject?
Were the chosen research methods used in an effective way?
Was the sampling technique discussed, if appropriate?

Analysis and Evaluation (25%)
Was there evidence of:
- a critical approach to the literature and/or data collection?
- an understanding of the chosen research methods(s) ?
- justification for the use of the chosen research method(s)?
Was there an awareness of the assumptions made or limitations in the literature and/or data collection?
Was the argument logical, coherent and balanced?
Was the analysis rigorous
Was there an appropriate balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of the project?

Conclusions (15%)
Were the findings of the study explained?
Were the implications/applications of the study explored?
Were the conclusions relevant and appropriate to the problem?
Were the limitations/shortcomings of the project understood and explained?
Were areas of further research identified?
To what extent were the conclusions supported by the findings and arguments in the body of the project

Organisation and Presentation (10%)
Was the project organised and structured in an effective and logical way?
Did the writing style display:
- formal academic writing style (e.g. using third person instead of I, we and us)
- fluency?
- clarity?
- conciseness?
- conventional spelling and grammar?

Referencing (10%)
Was the project fully and accurately referenced to academic convention i.e. The Harvard Method?

7. Project structure

The following is considered to be an acceptable and logical way of structuring your project.

Title Page
Acknowledgements Page
Contents Page
Literature Review

Title Page
The title page must include the following:
The Title of the project: although the title of the project is a personal matter it should be one that reflects the subject

Acknowledgements Page
To acknowledge and thank anyone whom you want to for giving assistance with your project. This page is very much optional.

Written last but the first section of the report. A brief and concise preview of the report based upon the information from the other sections of the report.
What might be included in the Abstract:
- some background information
- the principal reason for the study
- an outline of the methods used
- a summary of the results of the study
- outline of the conclusions / recommendations

Contents Page
This page lists the main parts of the project together with their page numbers.
The introduction provides a perspective for the reader. It establishes a context of where the research fits into the wider area of study. The information might be provided in a sequence from General background information to Specific information e.g.

(a) general statements about the area of study i.e. put research into some context;
(b) specific statements about aspects of the problem already reported by other researchers (this could be in the form of a Literature Review and where this is extensive enough it might warrant a separate chapter in its own right);
(c) why there is a need for further investigation;
(d) purpose and objectives of the project;
(e) the report plan (chapters contents.

Literature Review

A discussion of the main concepts of the research and previous research to justification the research and show its contribution to knowledge:

(a) general statements – these provide the reader with the necessary background information on the topic in relation to the general area of study.
(b) specific statements – these are to review the findings of other researchers who have published in the area of study. They confirm that the author is familiar with important research in the area and open the way to their research topic.
There is a need to cite the relevant authors in a consistent way using the 'Harvard' method.

When discussing previous research on the subject area it should be done in some systematic, logical order e.g.
(i) Chronologically: Discussing the research from a historical perspective e.g. If discussing motivational theory it could be Taylor, Maslow, Herzberg; or
(ii) Different Approaches e.g. Content theories followed by process theories of motivation (but also chronologically)

(c) Further investigation - why there is the need for further investigation. Weaknesses / gaps / shortcomings in the existing literature e.g. areas ignored, conflicting ideas / conclusions. A new research question that has not previously been considered or previous ideas extended.

(d) The purpose and objectives of the project - the specific research problem. A brief outline of what is to be done. The scope of the report.

(e) Justification for the research - the value, benefits of the work to other researchers / workers in the area. The practical or theoretical benefits.

Describes the methods, procedures and materials used in the research project e.g:
- The population / sample; sampling technique; location; materials used.
- Questionnaire / interview; procedure e.g. postal / face to face.
- How the data was analysed i.e. what analytical technique was used.
- Any restrictions / limitations in the research process.

Results /Discussion
Presentation of the most important findings. It is important to note that while figures, tables or graphs may be used they should be seen as illustrating points made in the body of the dissertation or as providing further information. Do not provide a succession of tables or graphs without introducing them and without a commentary or discussion.

You may present results and the discussion of results as two separate chapters or you may integrate them. If in doubt discuss this with your supervisor.

Brief overview of findings i.e. reference to original research topic/hypothesis; review of findings; explanation of findings; implications/applications of study; limitations; shortcomings of project; areas that could be developed further.
The conclusion is not merely a simple summary of the previous information but a drawing together of the relevant parts of the project which can be justified by the findings to produce a coherent position.

Referenced publications are listed in the bibliography alphabetically by author’s name using the Harvard System.

Copies of questionnaires; interview schedules; diagrams, figures and graphs which are too large for the text should be provided in this section.

General Presentation

The project must be word processed or typed on A4 paper, double spaced with 25mm margins. The font and font size must be such that the project is easily readable e.g. a font size of either 12 or 14 point (excluding headings). Use widely-used fonts such as Times New Roman, not those that might be considered informal or unusual.

Pages must be sequentially numbered.

Chapters, sections and sub-sections must be clearly identified and sequentially numbered or lettered with separate chapters beginning on a new page.

Diagrams, graphs, figures, tables, pictures and charts must be incorporated into the project, NOT photocopies stuck in and they should be clearly labelled and referenced.

References must be accurately provided in the text using the Harvard System.

All quotations must be acknowledged and correctly presented within the text i.e. other than very short ones, quotations should be indented and in single spacing.

Number of words should be mentioned at the end of the dissertation and before the bibliography.

Dissertation Criteria

Problem Identification
- shows originality to the nature of the problem;
- the research problem was complex and difficult;
- the problem was clearly articulated
-identified gap in the literature

Literature review
- there was comprehensive coverage of relevant literature;
- clear evidence of reading/references from appropriate sources;

Data Collection
- the chosen research method(s) were appropriate to the subject;
- the empirical data was appropriate to the subject;
- the chosen research method(s) were highly effective

Analysis and Evaluation
- there was a rigorous analysis supported by evidence;
- ideas, issues were highly developed in a logical way;
- the argument was logical, coherent and balanced;
- there was a critical mastery of the literature and/or data collection;
- there was an excellent understanding and justification of the chosen research method(s)
- there was an excellent awareness of the assumptions made and limitations in the literature and/or data collection;

- the findings of the study were clearly and fully explained;
- the implications/applications of the study fully explored;
- the conclusions were highly relevant and appropriate to the problem;
- the limitations/shortcomings of the project were fully understood and explained;
- areas for further research were identified and explained;

Organisation and Presentation
- the project was organised and structured in a highly effective and logical way;
- the writing style displayed fluency, clarity and conciseness with conventional spelling and grammar;

- fully and accurately referenced to academic convention

There are faxes for this order.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: evaluation program

Total Pages: 15 Words: 4444 References: 30 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: An Evaluation of the Performance of the Social Support Center, United Arab Emirates in Resolving Domestic Disputes

Please do the introduction and the literature review don’t talk about religion please don’t talk about some specific things talk in general don’t talk about the method because I have the method and the questioner I am sending the method and the questioner to help you to do the introduction the literature review

The Social Support Center (SSC) was established in 2003 to separate conflict resolution from the law enforcement arm of the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters. The Police Department refers cases to the Centre that involve domestic disputes, domestic violence, conjugal differences, missing persons, teenage problems, family financial problems, suicide attempts, severe accident victims, juvenile cases and other cases perceived to require conflict resolution techniques. The Center provides psychological and social support to clients using the conflict resolution techniques of consulting, counseling, negotiation and persuasion.

The caseload at the SSC has grown steadily since the establishment of the Center in 2003. The latest statistics reveals that nearly 60% of the Centre’s cases in 2005 were related to conflicts between a husband and wife. The number of such cases has risen by 20% in the past year. The divorce rate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was almost 35% in 2009. We have found that the majority of the couples entering into counseling have never received any training or counseling regarding marriage and family life.
The purpose for my research is to determine if the SSC is using the proper techniques necessary to reduce the divorce rate.

I will call husband or wife that came to Social Support Center and I will ask them some question to know if the service helped them and if they will suggest any thing to improve the service.

My method and the questioner

In this paper, I am proposing a method to evaluate the performance of the Social Support Center (SSC) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for resolving domestic disputes. I will do this by calling clients and asking them a number of questions regarding the services they received, and how those services helped them, and if they had suggestion on how to improve the services. The UAE does not experience calls for solicitation of funds, or sales or other nuisance type calls experienced in America. I expect the clients to answer their phones. I will also use a cell phone to contact them rather than an SSC phone number with caller ID.
The SSC has a client base of approximately 400 which we have serviced in the past year. My sample will include people who had started to use the service in 2009 and finished with it in the same year. My desired sample size is 80. I will pick those 80 using the systematic random sample method (Agresti & Finlay, 2009).
The 80 will be selected by first dividing 400 by 80 and get 5. I will then select a number between 1 and 5 and then select every 5th number from the number I pick. In this way, I will come up with 80 clients as my sample size.
Bias is a possible occurrence when the samples collected do not represent the population of interest. Those responses will not be included in my survey. It also is possible some respondents will provide information not pertinent to my study. That information will be collected but not included in my analysis. All responses will be voluntary. Possible biases that I anticipate in my sample selection include: under coverage bias, Voluntary bias, and unwillingness to cooperate bias, known as Nonresponse bias (Agresti & Finlay, 2009). Under coverage bias happens when a respondent does not have the information I am seeking. Voluntary bias occurs when a respondent has an agenda and appear to only be looking for someone with which to talk. Nonresponse bias occurs when a respondent refuses to participate in the survey. If any of these biases are encountered, it may be necessary to select addition clients from the client base using the random selection method described above.
The samples for this survey will be collected from the client visitations database maintained by the SSC. The telephone interviews will be conducted over a period of three months, beginning in May and ending in August. Each client represents one sample. The samples are chosen by the random selection method described above. The samples are from the SSC client database for the year 2009. These clients are the people who have first-hand knowledge of the SSC services and will be able to provide personal information on the quality of the SSC services (Konijn, 1973).
The users of the ‘services’ the SSC provides will be provided an opportunity to give their opinion on the effectiveness of the services. One main problem I expect is that some clients may decline the opportunity to participate in the survey. Several alternative methods were considered for collecting the desired information, such as interviewing clients when they visit the SSC or driving to the homes to conduct face-to-face interviews. The first alternative was rejected because it could introduce a bias because clients might feel uncomfortable if they did not desire to participate in the survey. The second alternative was rejected as being too time-consuming and not economically feasible.
It is anticipated each interview will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Additional time will be needed to prepare for the interview, such as reviewing the case files and copying or printing the sheets I will need to record the answers to the questions as the client gives them. I will also utilize computer software to record and analyze the data. The selected method of conducting a telephone interview is advantageous in that the client does not feel threatened or intimidated by a face-to-face interview and is more likely to give a truthful and unbiased report.
When a client is not at home or does not answer, I will leave a message on their answering machine so that the person will be able to return my call. I will also place follow-up calls as needed. This, however, will depend on how interested the person is in responding. The identification of the client will be an important part of the calling procedure to ensure that it is the actual client I will to reach and not some other member of the family. I will ensure this by making myself familiar with the client by reading the details of the client’s file before making the call. I will know the clients name, identification number and the reason he or she used the service.
The details on the forms that the clients filled on their initial visit to the SSC will contain a security question to which only that selected client will know the answer. The clients also will an identification number that I can use as an alternative in case the client forgot the security question. These methods will be employed to make certain the person to whom I am talking is the client with whom I wish to speak. I will compare the information provided with that in the SSC database. I will call the client from my cell phone between the hours of 10:00 ??" 12:00 a.m. If he or she does not answer my first phone call, I will leave the following message on their answering machine: “Hello! My name is Hamad Alketbi. My phone number is 555.555.5555. I will call you again tomorrow between the hours of 4:00 ??" 7:00 p.m. If this is not a good time to reach you, please return my call or send me a text message as to when would be the best time to reach you. Thank you. Goodbye.” I will make no first-time phone calls on Friday so as to not disturb them on the weekend.
My second phone call will be between 4:00 ??" 7:00 p.m. the following day, presumably either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. If they do not answer my second phone call, I will leave the following message on their answering machine. “Hello! My name is Hamad Alketbi. My phone number is 555.555.5555. I left a message on your answering machine yesterday that I would call you again today between 4:00 ??" 7:00 p.m. I am sorry I missed you again. If this is not a good time to reach you, please return my call or send me a text message as to when would be the best time to reach you. Thank you. Goodbye.”
I will attempt to reach them one more time. If I do not hear from them within the next three days, depending if that time includes a weekend, I will call again and leave the following message on their answering machine. “Hello! My name is Hamad Alketbi. My phone number is 555.555.5555. I am sorry to keep missing you and having to leave messages for you on your answering machine. I would like to talk with you and if find you have time, I would appreciate you returning my call or sending me a text message as to when would be a good time for us to talk. If I do not hear from you within the next five days, I will not bother you with additional calls or messages. Thank you for your time. Goodbye.”
The following represents one potential scenario when someone answers the phone. “Hello! My name is Hamad Alketbi. May I speak to ‘Ali Mamoud’?” If the person answering the phones is not ‘Ali,’ I will say, “I’m sorry, is this the correct phone number for ‘Ali’?” If the one answering the phone says, “Yes, this is the correct phone number. I am his father or brother or friend,” I will say, “May I speak to ‘Ali’ please?” If the one answering the phone says, “‘Ali’ is not available now,” I will say, “When would be a good time to reach him?” If I was given a time, I will say, “Thank you, I will call ‘Ali’ at that time. Thank you for your help! Goodbye.” They may say, “May I take a message for ‘Ali’ or tell him why you are calling?” My response would be, “No, this is a personal matter. I will call him back again at the time you have given me. Thank you again for your help! Goodbye.”
When I am able to talk with ‘Ali,’ I will say, “Hello! My name is Hamad Alketbi. I am working as an independent researcher with the Social Support Center to evaluate their performance in providing assistance to helping people with their problems. Your name was selected at random to be interviewed. Your answers will be used only to help me with my evaluation, but will be kept confidential and will not be made available to any employee of the Social Support Center. Your experiences with the Social Support Center will be very useful in helping to determine what kind of job they are doing. Are you willing to participate in this evaluation?”
If ‘Ali’ says “Yes, I am willing to participate,” then I will proceed with the following. “I anticipate this survey will take between 15 ??" 20 minutes, do you have time to do it now, or is there a better time for us to talk?” When I am able to proceed, I will say the following, “I am trying to analyze how satisfied the clients of the Social Support Center are with the services they provided. Before I can proceed with my questions, I need to confirm that you are ‘Ali Mamoud’. When you were at the Social Support Center this past year (or on a specific date), you provided contact information on the form you were asked to complete during your visit. At the bottom of that form, there was the statement that the SSC may need to contact you at a later date. For that reason, I will have to ask you a security question that you filled for confirmation of your identity. Question……..OR I will require your identity card number for confirmation of your identity……….OR I will need to ask you the problem that you were here for the last time you visited SSC Company?”

The method I have chosen to use is also advantageous in that it develops a personal touch with the client to gain their confidence in the organization. In case the client wishes to know why they were selected for the study, I will tell them they were selected at random. I will wait for their permission to continue before I ask any survey question.
This method will be the most suitable sampling strategy to use and I will use the appropriate sample size and take the necessary precautions to reduce sampling and measurement errors.
I have determined the person to whom I am talking is the client with whom I wish to talk. I have also determined the individual is willing to participate in the survey. I have also determined this is the time they are willing to allocate to answering the survey questions. I will now proceed with the survey questions.

I once again thank you for your willingness to participate in this survey to evaluate the quality of service provided by the Social Support Center.

Please note that I will not be recording this conversation for later use in my evaluation of the SSC customer satisfaction endeavor. I ask you to please answer the following questions in the following range: Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree. You can stop or take a break at any time if you need to.
1. Keeping in mind your last visit to SSC, the receptionist able to help you or get you to someone who was able to help you.
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

2. The social worker(s) seemed to have the necessary knowledge and skill needed to address the issue for which you came to the SSC for help.
1. Strongly disagree
2. disagree
3. Neither agree or disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

3. The social workers understood why I needed help.
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree or disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

4. The people you encountered in the SSC organization were courteous.
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree or disagree
4. agree
5. Strongly agree

5. The people you encountered in the SSC organization seem like they really wanted to help you.
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree or disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

6. The person or persons who attended to you was able to offer a solution.
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree or disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

7. The amount of time that social worker(s) spent with you to solve your problems was adequate.
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree or disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

8. The SSC Organization was very helpful in handling your case.
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree or disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

9. You are satisfied with the advice they offered to you in helping with your problem.
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree or disagree
4. Agree

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