Zimbabwe the "Caux Round Table Term Paper

Total Length: 678 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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In my opinion, the impact that Zimbabwe has on human rights relating to the apparel industries is given by the environment without rules (or rather with only one rule, that given by President Mugabe) and a framework where fundamental human rights are not respected. In such a framework, it is highly unlikely that entities will keep watch of labour conditions in the apparel industry, for example, or on child employment in similar industries. The watch is directed towards issues perceived as being more important, such as providing political pluralism and freedom of speech.

It is not difficult to make recommendations in this sense. If there is a will to act, the U.S. And Western authorities can impose bans on imports from countries such as Zimbabwe, where human rights records are at their lowest. These are import bans that will ensure that companies will be much more attentive towards the implementation of human rights issues they say they believe in. They will be much more interested in providing proper labour conditions, with proper salaries and no child employment.
The solution that can be applied has to be targeted towards the companies' profits, their only motivation for change.


1. Christopher L. Avery. Business and Human Rights in a Time of Change. Nov. 1999. Chapter 2. On the Internet at http://www.reports-and-materials.org/Chapter3.htm.Last retrieved on July 15, 2007

2. Tiseke Kasambala and Nobuntu Mbelle. Time is Running Out. The Sowetan. May 2007. On the Internet at http://hrw.org/english/docs/2007/05/10/zimbab15896.htm.Last retrieved on July 15, 2007

3. Overview of Business and Human Rights. On the Internet at http://www.bsr.org/CSRResources/IssueBriefDetail.cfm?DocumentID=49038.Last retrieved on July 15, 2007

Christopher L. Avery. Business and Human Rights in a Time of Change. Nov. 1999. Chapter 2. On the Internet at http://www.reports-and-materials.org/Chapter3.htm.Last retrieved on July 15, 2007

Tiseke Kasambala and Nobuntu Mbelle. Time is Running Out. The Sowetan. May 2007. On the Internet at http://hrw.org/english/docs/2007/05/10/zimbab15896.htm.Last retrieved on July 15, 2007.....

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