Wuthering Summarize Chapters 12-18 Chapters 12 Through Book Report

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Summarize Chapters 12-18

Chapters 12 through 18 build to the climax of Wuthering Heights. Catherine has married Edgar in spite of not loving him, thereby sabotaging her chances of ever being with Heathcliff, and likewise sabotaging her chances of ever being happy. She drives herself mad, and creates a psychosomatic illness from which she never recovers. In the meantime, Heathcliff is devastated to learn of Catherine's betrayal and to spite her marries Isabella. His behavior mirrors that of Catherine, highlighting their star-crossed love as well as their tragically unconsummated love. Catherine dies giving birth to her daughter.

Pick two or three quotes from chapters 12-18 that seem particularly meaningful, provocative, or well written and briefly (in a phrase or quick sentence) say why.

"I should mention that Isabella sent to her brother, some six weeks from her departure, a short note, announcing her marriage with Heathcliff. It appeared dry and cold; but at the bottom was dotted in with pencil an obscure apology, and an entreaty for kind remembrance and reconciliation, if her proceeding had offended him: asserting that she could not help it then, and being done, she had now no power to repeal it. Linton did not reply to this, I believe; and, in a fortnight more, I got a long letter, which I considered odd, coming from the pen of a bride just out of the honeymoon."

This passage reveals Isabella's estranged relationship with her brother, as well as describing the loveless marriage between Heathcliff and Isabella.

"Let us settle it at once: will you stay here, and am I to fight my way to Catherine over Linton and his footman? Or will you be my friend, as you have been hitherto, and do what I request? Decide! because there is no reason for my lingering another minute, if you persist in your stubborn ill-nature!"

Here, Heathcliff's emotional intensity regarding his desire to see Catherine in secret proves his undying love for her and heightens the tension building to the novel's climax.

3.Some things that were confusing about the reading were…. (2-3 sentence)

Although the plot itself is not confusing, by this time in the book Bronte has introduced a great number of characters and the dialogue is rapid-fire.
This causes some confusion as to who is saying what to whom. It is also difficult to imagine Catherine as "Mrs. Linton," which is her new married name but I do understand that the name change is significant for the development of her character. Marrying Edgar essentially and symbolically killed Catherine.

4. Some things you like about the novel are

The romance between Catherine and Heathcliff is tantalizing, especially because we know that they will never be together. When Catherine makes herself sick, it is the ultimate display of heartbreak. I like that the reader must go through the tumultuous emotions with the characters, rather than being offered a more simplistic fairy tale ending. I also appreciated the scene in which Nelly "twisted the two" hairs, that of Heathcliff and that of Edgar, in Catherine's locket. This gesture represents their mutually entwined fates.

5. A prediction about the plot is

Catherine's daughter is purposefully named after her to allow for her mother's redemption. The young Catherine becomes like a surrogate for the reader, and thus the reader will have hope that young Cathy will not make the same mistakes her mother did especially when it comes to affairs of the heart. It is predictable that Cathy will be the one to ultimately inherit Wuthering Heights.

6. This novel is similar to… (other literature, news, history)

This story bears resemblance to tragic dramas, such as Romeo and Juliet. After all, there were social conventions preventing Romeo and Juliet from marrying. In the same way, there are social conventions that prevented Heathcliff and Catherine from marrying. The tragic death of Catherine mirrors that of Juliet.

7. What are you still trying to grasp the significance of?

At this point in the reading, most of the elements of the story are clear. There is nothing meaningful that I am trying to grasp the significance of, for everything generally makes sense. Both Catherine and Heathcliff are doomed to spend their lives miserable without being able to be fully happy. The significance of the estate itself….....

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