Worldview, Which Was Defined by Creative Writing

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The application of the worldviews to the proposed research questions

1. What specific risks do companies face from insider threats in cloud computing situations?

The worldview which is relevant when tackling this research question is pragmatism. Pragmatism is a special worldview that arises out of situations (such as insider threats),actions as well as consequences (risks) (Cresswell,2008,p.10). Instead of putting all the focus on the methods, the researchers should place emphasis on the research problems and then employ all the available approaches in understanding the problem (risks associated with insider threats in cloud computing situations).

2. How can costs be effectively associated with risks?

The worldview which can best be applied to this kind of research question is Postpositivism. Creswell noted that postpositivism is a world view which holds a rather deterministic philosophy in which various causes are the probably determinants of the outcomes or effects.

The problems that are studied using a postpositivistic view are the ones that need to assess as well as identify the causes that influence the various outcomes.
In our case the need to determine the correlation (association) between costs and risks demands that an a numeric measure be used in determining the correlation. The laws as well as theories that govern the relationship between cost and risks need to be identified and put in place (Phillips & Burbules, 2000).Experiment/correlation study is the best tool to be used in determining how costs can effectively be associated with risks and thereby answering the original question (How can costs be effectively associated with risks?)


Creswell, J.W.., Clark.,VLP (2008). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Guba, E.G. (1990) the alternative paradigm dialog. In E.G. Guba (ed.), the paradigm dialog (pp.17-30) Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Philips, DC & Nicholas C. Burbules (2000): Postpositivism and Educational Research. Lanham & Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers......

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