Mcgregor Theory X Theory Y Essay

Total Length: 1374 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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( Place security above other factors-to reiterate increased pay seemed to be the primary motivational factor in improving work and this was rarely and option, so security was a primary concern but responsibility was not sought. Most lacked the confidence to attempt to obtain higher levels of responsibility. Ultimately most simply followed the rules to ensure they would still have their job on the next pay period.

The X theory aspects served as an introduction to work for many people. Teaching them the boundaries of the work environment as well as work ethic they may not learn otherwise. This transitional type job is an essential one in any capitalistic society as it shows people why they should seek higher order actions and thoughts, while it allows a place for those who never recognize this.

Theory Y Setting

Conversely, I have worked in settings were skilled individuals were sought to perform higher order work and were successfully managed in the setting with a presumption of Y characteristics. At this center for creativity the workforce was made up mostly of educated professionals with many years of experience in the industry. To further develop creativity management found it necessary to apply Y factor principles to allow higher order treatment for higher order minded people. People productive and dedicated and fully accepted the responsibility of creativity.

( Take work naturally just like sex and play-most individuals in the workplace cooperatively explored their home and work life by sharing information but not conflict form home with those around them. They also made every effort to socialize with their workmates. Those who fit in to this environment were happy to arrive at work and happy to return home at the end of the day.

( Exercise self-direction and control if committed to objectives-as much of the work was self conceived or project group conceived, the input of self and others were a part of the creative process and therefore contributed to the individual buy in that drove tasks forward.
When stagnation occurred it was often because of a lack of understanding or buy in for a particular task or project purpose. Great illumination of purpose would often alleviate the concern and get the project back on track.

( People can learn to accept responsibility-Though the system was egalitarian there were also plenty of individual around to suggest leadership on tasks as well as accept it when needed. Leadership was often accepted based on expertise or interest in a given task or project.

( Ability to make innovative decisions is evenly dispersed throughout the population-every level of the company had influence and development opportunities that would make their own jobs and the jobs of others better. Suggestions for change came from interns and the facilities maintenance staff as often as they came from the management and this continued because people were willing to listen and respond to the need for innovation.


It is clear that though the XY theories are simplistic they do apply broadly to work settings and there are clearly settings where they work and do not work. Situations that were described in the X factor section rarely occur in the Y factor section or setting and when they do they are rapidly dealt with. This often involved individuals leaving the organization, if it did not meet their developmental level. In other words, if an innovative person were present in the X setting (manager or subordinate) they rarely remained long and if an individual who needed a great deal of X treatment ended up in the Y setting they often rapidly changed their skill set to become more independent and innovative or they simply left. (Mind Tools, 2010)


Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A. (2008). Organizational Behavior: Motivation Concepts. Washington DC: PHI.

Shah, K. & Shah, P.J. (2008). "Theories of Motivation." Referenced 18th February, 2010 from:

Mind Tools (2010) "Theory X and Theory….....

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