Personal Reflection on "The Self" "The Self" Term Paper

Total Length: 1138 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Personal Reflection on "The Self"

"The self" in the social world is how one presents themselves to others, and how they appear to others. This "outward" self plays an essential role in each person's affect, cognition, human motivation and social identity. According to Jung, "the self" is an archetype, and it represents both the conscious and the unconscious mind. However, there are many concepts of the self, from early philosophers to modern outlooks. One author notes, "The modern development is represented by Locke's picture of the self as a dark room where nothing but images are projected within through windows out of which the self cannot see, the intelligible light of the sun being kept out" (Tkacz, 2006). Others actually dispute the concept of the self, and believe that it has evolved into a concept that can create a false sense of self in some people. In fact, some psychologists and philosophers define the concept of "the self" depends on the relationship between "the self" and another (Mooney, 2008). In the social world, "the self" keeps personality in check, as well, allowing the person to conduct themselves in a social manner. However, the self can also be seen in the way the person interacts with others because it affects the self-concept and self-esteem, which can alter the way a person interacts with others if they are poor or low.

Outside sources can affect the social self, as well. For example, a traumatic or life-threatening situation can alter the self, and a person's perceptions of themselves. Their self-esteem could suffer as a result of a sexual assault or traumatic injury that leaves them disabled in some way, and other situations could adversely affect the self and how a person copes with the social areas of life. Ultimately, "the self" knows itself and what it is capable of, and knows it is better than these external factors, but sometimes it is difficult to separate the two ideas inside "the self."

"The self" in my own life includes self-esteem, self-concept, and self-efficacy, and like most women, I find I have self-esteem issues.
Turning 40 was a big issue for me, because in our society, as you grow older you seem to become devalued by many, and that is not a good feeling to encounter. As I age, I feel my looks changing, my body changing, and my life changing, and this adds to a lack of self-esteem. One author notes, "Alcoff begins her critique with the premise that race and gender constitute visible identities that determine how one perceives and is perceived by others, making these visual identity markers particularly powerful and impossible to simply explain away or ignore" (Droogsma, 2006). This seems quite true in issues that reflect on self-esteem and self-worth, and while I try to ignore them, they do affect how I feel about myself and my appearance.

While I feel I am in good shape and good health, I notice that many men no longer look at me as an attractive woman, and that has to affect your self-esteem and self-concept. I think that age is far too important in our society, and that it can be traumatizing for some people to grow old, and that should not be a factor in self-esteem and self-worth. I think society does not revere age as some other societies do, and that we are missing out on many great experiences and….....

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