Coping With Stress: Stress Has Become a Essay

Total Length: 978 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Coping With Stress:

Stress has become a relatively common part of life since every individual is likely to experience it at certain times regardless of whether they are adults, teens, or children. Generally, stress can be described as a situation characterized by signs of emotional or physical reaction, particularly when responding to a situation when an individual feels threatened or is worried. While there are several common reactions to a stressful situation, stress can either be positive or negative. The positive or beneficial aspect of stress occurs when an individual develops the skills for coping and adapting to new situations in life. On the contrary, stress is negative if it's severe to the extent that it overwhelms the ability of a person to care for themselves and family. Therefore, it's important for an individual to develop healthy ways for coping and obtaining right care that lessens stressful feelings and symptoms ("Coping with Stress," 2013).

Potential Stressful Situations:

Similar to many people, stress has become a normal part of my life, especially with regards to balancing work, school, and home. Currently, I am a working mother, full-time teaching assistant for special education Autistic K/1 class, and a student completing degree for teaching special education with a concentration in Autism. In addition, I also spare some time to care for elderly patients as well as maintaining home.

Stressful situations are likely to occur from three major areas in my life i.e. work, school, and at home. As a working mother, I face a huge need to maintain home while providing full and effective concentration in my work responsibilities as a teacher.
With regards to work, one of the major areas that are likely to cause stressful feelings is exposure to physically and emotionally stressful experiences when providing special education for Autistic K/1 class i.e. children with disability.

The full time teaching assistant job means that I have to provide comprehensive special education programs to children with disability. This requires the provision of direct school support and facilitating communication throughout the elements of autism. One of the central focuses in special education for Autistic K/1 class, which can contribute to stressful situations, is outcomes-focused teaching. Consequently, the services provided to the students include helping in communication difficulties, impaired social skills, and behavioral responses. Together with providing care for elderly parents, teaching Autistic K/1 class has increased exposure to stressful situations because of the conditions of these children and parents as well as the demands. Actually, the provision of care to the parents and children is a very demanding work since it's outcomes-focused.

The potential area that can result in stressful feelings and symptoms are school work i.e. being a full-time college student completing a degree for teaching special education with a major in Autism. School work is also very demanding because teaching special education, especially Autism requires the development of special skills and knowledge. Work and school contribute to major challenges in….....

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