Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study

Total Length: 420 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is happening to the synovium in Arletha's knees and probably her hands as well?

In all likelihood, the synovium is inflamed and is not doing its job. The synovium is meant to secret liquid that keeps the joint lubricated. If it's not present or is not doing its job at high efficiency any more, then the joints in the hands and knees will start to become damaged and broken down, thus leading to pain.

What diagnostic tests may help provide clues to the presence of rheumatoid arthritis?

There is no "single" test or symptom that leads to the diagnosis and verification of rheumatoid arthritis. However, there are about seven symptoms or tests that can lead, in whole or in part, to a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis. These include morning stiffness in and around joints for at least one hour, swelling or fluid around three or more joints at the same time, at least one swollen area in the wrist, hand or finger, the presence of nodules in the affected areas, an abnormal amount of rheumatoid factor in the blood and changes in x-rays around the hands, wrists or other affected areas.
3. What systemic manifestations might Arletha experience due to rheumatoid arthritis?

She might experience stiffness in the morning for an hour or so (or more) in the hands or knee area. She may have nodules in the affected areas. Moderate to extreme pain may result from the manifestation of cartilage becoming degraded or even destroyed due to the lack of proper synovium in the joint.

4. What treatment plan is expected as Arletha leaves the clinic today?

It will probably include a combination of drugs, steroids and physical therapy. The drugs are necessary to keep the pain down, the steroids help proper growth of synovium and other needed helping factors for the same and the therapy is needed to ensure that the….....

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