Gerontology the Research Study Framework Explains the Essay

Total Length: 972 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The research study framework explains the theory or a part of the theory that is to be tested in the research study. The framework shows the relationship between the different variables and helps to create the hypothesis which is to be tested in the research.

The important concepts of quantitative study design are introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion and recommendation.

List the type of quantitative research design and briefly describe how each would be used in a research study.

There are four types of quantitative research design (Gay, L.R. 1996):

Descriptive: This type of research is used to test hypothesis or answer a question regarding the current status of subject.

Correlational: This type is used to find out the relationship between two or more quantifiable variables.

Cause Comparative: This quantitative research creates the cause-effect relationship and also compares the relationship without manipulating the cause.

Experimental: This research is similar to Cause Comparative but it also manipulates the cause. The cause here is independent while the effect which is the dependent variable is dependent on the cause.


Power Analysis

The elements of Power Analysis are as follows:

Sampling Theory

Hypothesis Testing Logic

Calculating Power

Calculating Required Sample Size

Graphical Approaches to Power Analysis

Validity and Reliability

The different types of validity are content validity, construct validity, concurrent validity and predictive validity. Validity and reliability book are important in research because they check the correctness of research. For instance, validity checks degree at which the test measures where it was actually suppose to measure and gives interpretation of the scores.
Reliability on the other side is the dependability or the degree to which the test consistently gives same results.


A1: Chronic Illness

The term "Chronic Illness" is not a name of any particular disease but it is any disease which has a very long-term effect on the body and significant impact on the person's life. The world "Chronic" is derived from a Latin word "Chronos" which means time. It is actually a health problem which can be managed rather than cured. Chronic illnesses can be hereditary as well as environmental; therefore some children are born with these diseases while some fall later in life with these long-term illnesses (World Health Organization, 2005).

Most Frequently Occurring Disorders in Older Adults Associated with Chronic Illnesses

Cardiovascular Diseases: heart disease, hypertension, stroke

Peripheral Vascular Diseases

Diabetes and its related complications

Endocrine Disorders

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Respiratory Disorders

Rheumatologic Disorders

Neurological Disorders


A2: Affects of Chronic Illness on Older Adults

Different individuals experience chronic illness differently but the impact has two broad dimensions; what is the nature of the illness and what type of disability it is producing. The older adult patients may feel pain, weakness, nausea or dysponea. Some adult patients can also get handicapped; and due to their inability to perform routine life activities, they suffer from severe stress and frustration.

A3: Affects of Chronic Illness on….....

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