Public Health Policy Identify a Case Study

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As a result, some kind action must be taken to deal with these challenges. Once this occurs, it will provide specific insights about: how the current plan is not working and what tactics must be used to mitigate the negative effects on various regions. (Schwartz, 1998)

Propose a research study (inclusive of study design, hypothesis, methodology and bivariate / multivariate statistical analysis) that would yield results which can be implemented to better address the current needs of the affected / target population

The hypothesis that we are proposing is: that some kind of classification system should be used to determine who is safe to live in the community. This will maintain the lowest cost structure possible, while preventing the most dangerous mental patients from being released.

The study design will survey various mental health professionals about: if a classification system would be effective. At the same time, you would want to listen to the views from within: the community and among government officials. This will be accomplished by conducting an anonymous survey of these individuals, with an emphasis on how the current approach could be augmented. Once this occurs, it will provide specific insights about the way the current policy is contributing to the underlying problem and what steps can be taken to address these issues. The methodology that we will be using is: quantitative research. To analyze the information, we will be utilizing multivariate statistical analysis.
This is when, you are looking at a number of different variables to understand the overall scope of the problem and identify solutions. ("Multivariate Social Statistics," 2006)

Comment on the environmental / political policies (organizational, community, state or national) that may advance or inhibit your proposal/recommendations.

There is the possibility that many politicians and mental health professionals could be opposed to any kind of changes. The reason why, is because they believe that the status quo is the most effective way of addressing the problem through: low costs and giving each person a sense of accountability. This is problematic, because it means that there will be a certain amount of resistance to any kind of changes. At the same time, there will be a percentage of mental health professionals that will support some kind of transformation. This is significant, because it is illustrating how there are mixed views about: the best ways to address the underlying problem and what steps must be taken. When you put these different elements together, it is highlighting how we will be experiencing mixed attitudes and opinions about the research project we are conducting. (Schwartz, 1998)


Multivariate Social Statistics. (2006). Social Research Methods. Retrieved from:

Glaze, L. (2006). Mental Health Problems. USDOJ. Retrieved from:

Schwartz, M. (1998). Violence and Severe Mental Illness. American Journal of Psychiatry, 155, 226 -- 231......

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