Public Administration the Field of Term Paper

Total Length: 1871 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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The inability of the local government to evacuate the city days before the storm arrived and then heed warnings from various federal officials underscores his complacency. As the largest part of Mayor Nagin's evacuation plan was to go to the Superdome or the Convention Center. Once at these locations, the overall amounts of suffering would continue as the break down in communication, would mean that supplies and first responders are unable to go to those areas most affected. Once this took place, it meant that the overall situation in the city would become more desperate as the hours would turn into days, with no help from anyone. At which point, it was only a matter of time unit looting and lawlessness would grip the city. This is because of the lack of response from the different levels of government, would make the situation more precarious for the residents of New Orleans. Due to this obvious fact, all of the different levels of government failed to achieve their most basic ethical objectives in the event of a disaster, to reduce suffering as much as possible.This is the basic factor that is used to determine how and why such an ethical failure occurred. When you examine various administrative and bureaucratic responses to natural disasters in such a light; you will know how an ethics failure can only make the situation on the ground worse. It is through examining the events before and after Hurricane Katrina; that will provide the greatest insights as to how ethical failures made the effects more severe.


Looters Strike Advantage of New Orleans Mess. (2005, August 30). Retrieved April 2, 2010 from MSNBC website:

Boaz, D. (2005, September 19). Catastrophe in Big Easy Demonstrate Big Governments Failure. Retrieved April 2, 2010 from Cato Institute website:

Cole, T. (2008). Risk Communication Failure. Southern Communication Journal, 73 (3), 211 -228.

Handwerk, Brian. (2005, September 2). New Orleans Levies Not Built for Worst Cases. Retrieved April 2, 2010 from National Geographic website:

Hoffman, Mary. (2007). Hurricane Katrina. New York, NY: Rosen….....

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