Power in a Totalitarian State Research Proposal

Total Length: 1592 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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This tactic has proved probably the most effective out of the previous mentioned. Unlike Hitler who was only in power a short period before loosing control of his newly created empire to the United States and the Soviet Union, Stalin held his red Russia with an iron fist for close to a half of a century. When he died, efforts were taken to try and de-Stalinize the country through deregulation and de-nationalizing of certain industries; yet, his influence would continue on with future Soviet dictators. Stalin capitalized on the fear his actions and policies evoked, forever becoming the true face of fear in Communist Russia.

And so, within the context of the iron rule of totalitarianism, Hitler and Stalin implemented unique and powerful strategies to encourage the submission of their citizens and the position of fear as seen in the eyes of their enemies.
Although both regimes ultimately fell, the two dictators themselves proved to use these strategies to such a powerful advantage to gain complete dominance and power within their respective nations. For the balanced benefit of global politics, let's hope that no one person can harness such techniques as efficiently as seen in the case of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and Joseph Stalin's Soviet Russia.

Works Cited

Encyclopedia Britannica. "Totalitarianism Government." Encyclopedia Britannica

Online. 2008. Retrieved 12 Dec 2008 at http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/600435/totalitarianism.

Koestler, Arthur. Darkness at Noon. Simon and Schuster. 1941.

Spartacus Educational. "Mein Kampf: Nazi Germany." Spartacus.Schoolnet.co.uk. 2008. Retrieved 12 Dec 2008 at http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERmein.htm.

UCLA Design. "Triumph of the Will." Media Arts. University of California Los Angeles.

2004. Retrieved 12 Dec 2008 at http://classes.design.ucla.edu/Spring04/161A/projects/Wes/Exercise_B/mainpage.html......

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