Poverty Every Day, According to Term Paper

Total Length: 1614 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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People have to be empowered to become educated and stand up for themselves. Assuming such proactive action will eventually stop the cycle of poverty and "ignite" the path to development.

The question, however, is not "Can poverty can be eradicated?" With resources of the more wealthy individuals and nations combined across the world, it is difficult to imagine that this could not be accomplished. However, the more important questions are, "Do people want to use these resources to end poverty? Do enough people across the world truly want to end poverty? Do they actually care, or care enough, to work toward such goals? or, worse yet, do too many people enjoy their increased wealth and extravagance at the expense of others and do not want to change the status quo?" The ultimate question then is not, "Can poverty be eliminated? It is, instead, "Will it be eliminated?" The only way to end poverty is to have everyone working together for the same ends. It may be necessary to make those individuals who like the status quo to understand that "status quo" will ultimately destroy everyone -- rich and poor alike.

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Sen, a. (1981) Poverty and Families; an Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

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Smith, S.C. (2005) Ending Global Poverty: A Guide to What Works. New York: Palgrave Macmillan

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