Ethics in Educational Research Personal Discussion Chapter

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The person should also be familiar with the various cultures being included in the study, to ensure that no unnecessary discomfort is experienced as a result of culturally sensitive utterances.

The role of ethics in educational research is therefore to make the participant experience as comfortable and indeed as enjoyable as possible. Research participants are offering their time and knowledge to the study, and should be treated accordingly. Ethical principles should be followed at all times. The research should therefore be as honest as possible while maintaining the integrity of the study.

If complete honesty cannot be maintain for the duration of the study, participants should have prior knowledge of this element, and have the opportunity to terminate their participation whenever they feel uncomfortable or harmed in any way. The risks of the study should be fully disclosed before accepting participation by any representatives of the population of focus.


Need for ethics in today's educational research

We are living in the information age, and research has taken up a vast amount of space and time not only at universities, but also at businesses and other institutions. Because all research involves at least some human interaction, whether with colleagues in the field or with research participants, a strong code of ethics should rule the researcher's role.

McMillan and Schumacher (2006, p. 145) for example name five basic ethical principles to be considered in educational research, and indeed in all types of research.
Potential benefits should for example be maximized, while potential risks are minimized. This means that a thorough estimate of both should be conducted prior to beginning the study. All necessary permission should be obtained before starting the research. Schools may for example prohibit access to their premises or statistics if written permission is not granted beforehand. Researchers should be completely honest with participants regarding the potential risks of the study. Their informed consent should also be obtained regarding their participation in the study. As far as possible, no crucial information should be withheld from participants. When the study is completed and the results published, the researcher should take measures against the potential misinterpretation and misuse of results.

The last point is important, because in today's information society, the potential for misinterpretation has increased a hundredfold. Access to journals and publications has been facilitated greatly by the Internet and electronic media. Hence, research results that are not protected by some type of clause could potentially be used for unethical purposes. Ironically, the increased ability to communicate on a worldwide scale has also increased the possibility of misunderstanding. Research is a vitally important part of human life. Ethics protects research so that it can serve the good for which it is intended.


McMillan, J.H. And Schumacher, S. (2006) Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquiry,….....

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