Plato and the Value of Term Paper

Total Length: 617 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

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Americans basically believe that schools should teach children how to become productive citizens who are willing to participate in capitalist enterprise, a philosophy that Plato did not contend with in ancient Athens.

Today, millions of Americans are obese or out of shape. At the same time, Americans are obsessed with bodies, which are plastered on the cover of almost every newsstand magazine. But because schools do not promote physical education as being integral to the development of the whole human being, exercise is conveyed as a struggle. As a result, people force themselves to go to the gym knowing that the exercise will keep them fit. The pursuit of money in modern American society has made care of the body secondary.

On the other hand, care of the body was a primary concern for many ancient Greeks. The ancient Greeks were aware of both the aesthetic and salutary benefits of physical exercise and were therefore keen to cultivate the body along with the mind. In spite of evidence that a healthy body promotes a healthy mind as well as healthy body, modern Americans continue to neglect their form and physique.
Many Americans are overworked and therefore can't afford to devote time for any activity that does not earn money.

Music plays a major role in the development of both sound mind and body. Music can inspire people to dance. As a creative pursuit, music can help individuals express themselves and relieve stress. The importance of music in promoting overall health is underplayed in American culture. Both the ancient Greeks and the modern Americans emphasized intellectual pursuits, but the ancient Greeks balanced academics with physical activity and musical creativity. American culture would be better off following the example of the ancient Greeks and creating a more balanced vision of the human being......

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