God's Existence Arguments for God's Term Paper

Total Length: 740 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The Cosmological Argument: This argument begins with the tenet that for the Universe to exist something outside the universe must have created it. Also refereed to as the First Cause or the Uncaused Cause theory, here God exists as the prime mover that brought the universe into existence. The universe is a series of events, which began with God who must exist apart from the universe, outside of time and space as well. (Martin) the detractors of this theory say that if everything has a creator than God must also have a creator and that perhaps an infinite series of creators and universes exist as well. Also if God is an uncaused cause than why could not the universe be one as well.

The Moral Argument: This is perhaps one of the most interesting arguments for the existence of God. Basically it states that since man perceives a moral law, a difference between right and wrong and a desire to perform that which is right, he must get it from somewhere. The fact that man has a conscious or soul if you will means that someone, God, put it there.
So this divine spark is the proof of God's existence. (Rossi)the objections to this theory are numerous and come mostly from scientific reasoning. In essence, moral laws can be explained as part of the ongoing survival of the species. Some even suggest that it is really DNA that drives these moral codes in a way to assure that it constantly replicates itself. (Dawkins) Then the question is, does DNA believe in God?

Works Cited

Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene UK; Oxford University Press, 1989

Lamprecht, Sterling P. Our Philosophical Traditions: A Brief History of Philosophy in Western Civilization. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1955.

Martin, C.F.J. Thomas Aquinas: God and Explanations. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1997.

McIntyre, John. St. Anselm and His Critics: A Re-Interpretation of the Cur Deus Homo. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1954.

Rossi, Philip J. "The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God." Theological Studies 67.3 (2006): 698-707.

Schacht, Richard. Classical Modern Philosophers: Descartes to….....

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