Jack Presents a Number of Essay

Total Length: 1260 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: -5

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On his weight training days, I would encourage Jack to "shake up" his typical walk by instead doing two or three sessions weekly on a recumbent bicycle. Given Jack's weight and age, a recumbent bike would minimize stress on his joints while adding variety to his aerobic routine. Finally, in older adults in particular, flexibility is key. I would focus on stretches that do not require bending over (to prevent falling), but would spend at least five to ten minutes per session working on stretches that Jack could also perform at home while seated. During each session, I would frequently ask how Jack was feeling to make sure he was not pushing too far past his limits. With older adults, checking how hard they feel they are working on a scale of one to ten (perceived exertion) helps to prevent injury or worse.

Jack's nutritional strategy would be key to long-term weight loss. I would begin by having Jack create a food diary for several days to get an idea of his normal intake. Prior to beginning the diary, I would coach Jack on the importance of measuring portion size. Research shows that the majority of overweight people underestimate the amount of calories they are consuming in part because they underestimate how large their portions are; this is particularly true in older adults who believe "more is better" when it comes to spending their food dollar. (Cornell University). After assessing his intake, I would work with him on developing a 1,500 to 1,800 calorie per day diet. Because his exercise program is reasonable and his goal is weight loss, there is no need for him to consume considerably more on his weight training days; however, psychologically, my experience shows some flexibility will increase his adherence to his nutritional plan. Education is truly key when working with older adults.
Showing Jack what a portion size is, advising him on making wise choices, such as choosing whole grain bread over white, olive oil over butter, and yogurt or a low-calorie, fat-free popsicle over an ice cream cone are strategies that would allow Jack to consume lower calorie, more nutritionally dense foods without feeling deprived or feeling like he was on a diet (my experience has shown that many older adults consider "diet" to be a four letter word in more ways than one, an imposition on their golden years). Finding out and assessing Jack's normal food intake would be a regular part of our sessions; during sets, we could talk about where he went out to eat, what he had, etc. Providing sample menus that cater to Jack's lifestyle, including going over how to choose healthier options at restaurants, would be an integral part of his long-term weight loss.

In working with older adults, emphasis on the continued health benefits of exercise are key. These individuals have earned the right to enjoy their golden years, and they may rightfully dislike what they consider an imposition on their time. Continued reinforcement of how their exercise program is improving their quality of life helps to keep them motivated to remain fit for life.

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