Oedipus the King by Sophocles Research Paper

Total Length: 1140 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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This is because they are not learning from the lessons of the past and they do not see things for what they really are. When this takes place, there is a possibility that they are open to more problems through failing to understand and address critical issues. Oedipus is used to show this sense of arrogance and contempt for the truth. (Sophocles) ("The Oedipus Plays")

Evidence of this can be seen with comments from the source titled The Oedipus Plays (2012) which says, "Oedipus can hear the story of Jocasta binding her child's ankles and not think of his own swollen feet. While the information in these speeches is largely intended to make the audience painfully aware of the tragic irony, it also emphasizes just how desperately Oedipus and Jocasta do not want to speak the obvious truth: they look at the circumstances and details of everyday life and pretend not to see them." ("The Oedipus Plays")

These ideas are then combined with the limitations of freewill. In this kind of situation, there is a lack of not understanding how these events will paralyze Oedipus' decision making process. It at this point that they will come back to hurt him (which are leading to even more dire consequences in the future). (Sophocles) ("The Oedipus Plays") (Ramfos)

How is blindness vs. sight used in a symbolic way in this play?

The blindness that Oedipus is experiencing is used in a symbolic way to illustrate the sense of arrogance and confusion he had with his sight. In these situations, he failed to understand what was happening or learn from these events. This created even more problems from not applying these lessons to his own life (which resulted in the death of his mother).
This is based upon his unwillingness to accept the reality of having a sexual relationship with her. Yet, he failed to acknowledge this until it was too late. In order to see things more clearly, he gouged out his eyes to avoid any kind of confusion. (Sophocles) (Ramfos) A good example of this can be seen with observations from Ramfos (2005) who said, "From the first phases, Sophocles deflects all suspicions from Oedipus. Events do not touch him. As a true savior, he is above such things. If he had been sensitive to them, he would have concentrated on his own needs." ("The Oedipus Plays") Conclusion Clearly, Oedipus the King is a story about the challenges that everyone will face during the course of their lives (i.e. A willingness to ignore the truth and the limits of free will). This is used to show the audience the way these factors can lead to even greater hardships by: failing to understand critical lessons and apply them going forward. Oedipus is someone everyone can relate to based upon the power he holds and the way he acts towards others. Once he realizes that he did not comprehend these motivations, is the point that he blinded himself in order to have more clarity. This is accomplished through not seeing the world around him with the eyes that corrupted his vision and insights. Works Cited "The Oedipus Plays." Spark Notes, 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2013 Ramfos, Stelious. Fate and Ambiguity. Boston: Somerset Hall Press, 2005. Print. Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print......

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