Nursing Theorists Joan Riehl Sisca Term Paper

Total Length: 1222 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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(Marriner-Tomey; Alligood, 2006)

After proper interpretation of patient's actions and the process recordings, the nurse would be in a position to intervene a better plan of care and assistance for the patient. The plan of care would be included as individual therapy through which the nurse will help the patient directly and the familial therapy too as the nurse will also help the family members of the patient to refine and assume roles they have performed in the past, or are using currently. These roles will help the family members to cope with the patient's illness and also, they will provide a better environment for the patient to improve fast. The evaluation process of the while planning and their results will be used to determine the success of this planned role taking. (Marriner-Tomey; Alligood, 2006)

The major concepts adapted by the Riehl Model of nursing are as follows:

People: The actions of people as a group or their individual actions are based on the meaning of the objects and actions they are surrounded with. Person is specific term that is used for the nurse, the patient, doctors and other health professionals. According to Riehl, a nurse is one who knows her capabilities and understands what is required from her, she is self-directed and she takes one role in a period. (O'Brien, 2009)

Association: This is the defining process of role taking. It involves proper assessment and interpretation of the actions of the patients by nurse. With a proper and appropriate association between her and the patient, a nurse can plan an effective intervention. (O'Brien, 2009)

Social Acts: Social acts are the constructs that are made by the individual or a collective group through a process that includes observation and interpretation of the situations and actions confronted by the actors.
A nurse can assess these social acts and plan proper intervention for the benefit of the patient. (O'Brien, 2009)

Inter-linkages: The complex and dynamic inter-linkages between organizations, institutions, division of labor and network of interdependency helped Riehl to derive that the assessment of patient's behavior is a complex and dynamic process and it necessitates the uses of several resources so that the nurse may meet all the requirements of the patient. (Wood, 2001)

While nursing and treating a patient, I would assess his behavior patterns regarding various issues that may cause anger, affection, relief or frustration in the patient. Being a nurse, I will try to intervene with various circumstances to provide ease and relief for the patient. I will plan a proper intervention for the family members too so that they may take proper assisting role that will help the patient in improving health. I would also assess the behavior of the family members and will advice them to role play in helping the patient to improve in a positive manner that will the patient with a desire to improve and remove all his or her frustrations, negative thinking and stresses that may cause his or suffering long. Riehl's module will help me in planning a proper intervention with the patient and to advice proper role for the family members and that will help the patient in attaining good health.


Marriner-Tomey, Ann; Alligood, Martha Raile. (2006) "Nursing theorists and their work" Elsevier Health Sciences.

N.A. (2010) "Riehl, Sisca, Joan" Free Dictionary, Retrieved 6 August 2010 from

O'Brien, Patricia G. (2009) "Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: An introduction to theory and Practice" Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Walker, Patricia Hinton; Neuman, Betty M. (1996) "Blueprint for use of nursing models: education, research, practice, and administration" Jones &.....

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