Non Profit Management the Purpose Term Paper

Total Length: 3002 words ( 10 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Grants for science education are provided to schools and individuals, with the objective of helping to inspire careers in science. ("About HHMI," 2010) When you put these different elements tougher, this shows how HHMI is involved in medical research funding from: working directly with researchers to providing funding on a host of projects and initiatives. This is important, because it allows the nonprofit to fund a number of different research studies, while giving scientists the flexibility to effectively conduct their projects. As a result, this has helped HHMI to support a number of different medical breakthroughs to include: making significant progress in spinal cord injuries, HIV / AIDS research and medication that can be used to effectively treat leukemia. At the same time, the organization is focused on identifying the genes that are responsible for: cystic fibrosis, colon cancer and muscular dystrophy. (Leung, 2004)

The Impact of how HHMI's: Mission, Vision, Governance, and Leadership are Essential to these Statements / Governance.

The total impact of the activities of HHMI, are that it is helping to transform the field of medical research. Where, scientists are able to have the flexibility to receive the funding they need, without having to fill out various forms or go through bureaucratic procedures (to receive support for their project). This helps to free up the time of scientists, so that they can focus on their project and how the research can be improved (versus where the funding will come from). When you combine these different elements, this helps to advance the quality of research that is being conducted. As scientists have multiple sources for continuing with their work, despite changes that could occur in funding (because of political or financial reasons). A good example of this can be seen with Doug Melton of Harvard University. He is one of the top research scientists for stem cell therapy. During the Bush Presidency, when there was a ban on stem cell research, HHMI would play a vital in helping to ensure that he would have access to the funding he needed (despite the ban that was in place). This would allow Melton to continue with his research, while other scientists would have trouble finding the appropriate funding for their projects. What all of this shows; is the underlying roles that mission and vision statement of HHMI serve. As they are way of helping researchers, to be able to obtain the funding they need, without having to go through various bureaucratic procedures. (Leung, 2004)

Analyzes and evaluates theories and perspectives on diversity in the nonprofit organization?

The best practices that should be applied include: having the leadership set the moral tone for the organization and utilizing innovative tools for evaluating the strengths of the nonprofit. When you look at the first theory / perspective, it is clear that the leadership will set the moral tone of the organization. This is important, because the views of the different board members and officers will have ripple effects upon the staff member and volunteers. Where, the actions of these individuals will be viewed as a representation of the nonprofit itself. When the leadership is exercising moral clarity, it will help to focus the organization, on more effectively achieving its long-term objectives. This is because these views are helping to instill a sense of purpose and motivation among the staff. (Deshpande, 2010, pp. 315 -- 320)

At the same time, all organizations must use tools that are similar to what the private sector will utilize, when evaluating the operational performance of the nonprofit. This means, that your organization must use various performance measures such as: a balanced score card. This is when you are analyzing the ability of the nonprofit to achieve its objective, based on several different financial metrics to include: financial performance, learning & growth, customers and the internal operation. Inside each of these different elements you are examining four pieces of information to include: objectives, measures, targets and initiatives. When you put these different pieces together, they provide an effective way for evaluating the underlying strengths of the organization based upon proven financial metrics. (Kaplan, 2001, pp. 353 -- 370)

When you apply these measures to HHMI, the leadership has allowed the organization to continue to have a can do attitude (when it comes to biomedical research). As their moral clarity, has helped to give staff members and associates added motivation, increasing the effectiveness of their research.
The different financial metrics are important, because they help managers and board members to determine the effectiveness of achieving their objectives. As a result, these two theories / practices help HHMI in the strategic planning process, by seeing what possible challenges the organization facing and how they can adapt.

Evaluate and Analyze the Importance of Ethics in the Strategic Planning Process and in the Nonprofit Organization.

The importance of ethics in the strategic planning process is: it helps to build trust / commitment and it ensures that the organization is in compliance with various laws. When you examine the underlying issue of building trust and commitment, it is clear that these two elements are a direct result of the ethical actions of various individuals. Where, the way that different situations are handled will have an effect on the staff and the general public. During situations when high ethical standards are applied, this will help to build trust and commitment. Where, everyone will see the organization acting in most responsible way possible. Over the course of time, this will help to improve the image of the nonprofit, as they are seen as an entity that will go beyond what is necessary to achieve these objectives. (Kearns, 1994. pp. 78 -- 84)

At the same time, the organization must ensure that they are in compliance with various laws. This is tied directly to the morals of the nonprofit itself. Where, a number of entities have often been charged with engaging various schemes, to defraud the government or support criminal activities (such as terrorism). This is significant, because it shows how the ability of the organization to remain in compliance with various laws, will determine how they are viewed by the general public. As a result, those organizations that are in compliance with all laws and regulations will ensure that they are exercising the highest ethical judgments (helping to improve their image as well as the underlying amounts of trust). (Hosmer, 1994, pp. 17 -- 34) in the case of HHMI, these two issues are important, because they allowed the organization to remain relevant after the death of Howard Hughes. It also helped to establish a sense of trust among the various stakeholders and the general public, with them seeing the direct benefits of the organization's moral guidance.

Analyzes best practices that support ethical leadership and provides specific recommendations

The best practices for supporting ethical leaders include: having an active board of directors and ensuring that the entity is providing the greatest possible benefits for everyone. An active board is important, because it helps to ensure that the nonprofit is always following the most ethical practices possible. (Brown, 2002, pp. 369 -- 385) While, providing the greatest benefits for everyone, is when the organization is working together, to have a positive impact upon the world around them. (O'Neill, 1992, pp. 199 -- 213)

In the case of HHMI, the board of trustees will determine various funding projects and will help to set the long-term policies of the foundation moving forward. This is important, because it shows how an active board of trustees, will establish ethical leadership for the organization. As the policies they enact and the way they are implemented, will have a dramatic impact upon the nonprofit. For example, HHMI's board of trustees gives scientists the freedom to explore and improve upon their research. This is important, because this ethical approach would be directly responsible for a number of breakthroughs that have occurred (because of this collaborative effort). Once this takes place, it helps to provide the greatest benefits to everyone. As the scientists will be able to receive notoriety and can accomplish their goals. At the same time, the general public will benefit from the various breakthroughs and HHMI will be able to achieve their stated objectives. When you put these different elements together, this highlights how these different ethical practices are allowing HHMI to create win -- win situations for everyone. In this case, no specific recommendation would be required, as the organization is acting ethically in achieving their objectives.


About HHMI. (2010). HHMI. Retrieved from:

Developing New Knowledge. (2010). HHMI. Retrieved from:

HHMI Scientists and Researchers. (2010). HHMI. Retrieved from:

Deshpande, S. (2010). Ethical Climate and the Link Between Success. Journal of Business Ethics 15 (3). 315 -- 320.

Brown, W. (2002). Inclusive Governance Practice. Non-Profit.....

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