Strategic Communication Leading Through Strategic A-Level Coursework

Total Length: 1278 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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" (Chennameni, 2006) it is reported that this "incessant interaction and conversion in turn results in joint creation of knowledge by individuals and organizations." (Chennameni, 2006) Organizations are reported to play a key role in activating the "explicit and tacit dimensions of knowledge and in providing a forum for the knowledge spiral through four modes of knowledge creation" (Chennameni, 2006) Those four modes are stated to include: (1) socialization; (2) externalization; (3) combination; and (4) internalization. (Chennameni, 2006)

Socialization speaks of the exchanging of "tacit knowledge among members through the social interactions and shared experiences." (Chennameni, 2006) Externalization refers to the translation of tacit knowledge into from explicit knowledge." (Chennameni, 2006) it is reported that each of the modes of conversion are both "interdependent and tangled." (Chennameni, 2006)

B. Diffusion of Innovation

Rogers Diffusion of Innovations explains change via Social Networks. The Diffusion of innovations theory explains the process of adoptions of innovation over time through certain channels among a social system." (Darnton, 2008) This theory comprises various related elements and is demonstrated by the S-curve showing the rate of adoption of innovations by a society or network. The critical mass is demonstrated by the S-curve with the point at which critical mass is achieved known as the tipping point. (Darnton, 2008)

The rate of an adoption of an innovation in society is determined by two factors: (1) the nature of the network; and (2) the attributes of the innovation. (Darnton, 2008) These attributes are stated to be cited in marketing practice on a wide basis and categorized into five aspects stated as follows:

(1) relative advantage;

(2) compatibility;

(3) complexity;

(4) trialability; and (5) observability. (Darnton, 2008)

The force held by Rogers to enable adoption is the differentiation "accrediting to the adopter category" due to its design for allowing the categories different levels of "acceptable uncertainty." (Darnton, 2008) in addition, an element within this theory is the "Innovation-Decision Process" which is reported to be the process in which individuals decide whether they will adopt.
This is also a five-step process with the steps stated as follows:

(1) idea;

(2) persuasion;

(3) decision;

(4) information; and (5) confirmation. (Darnton, 2008)

Summary and Conclusion

This study has defined the audience at issue following the Hurricane Katrina Superstorm disaster and the goals and objectives of strategic communication by and between government and emergency agencies, FHA, insurance companies, and homeowners and renters impacted by the disaster. The strategic communication process is one that involves the relating of key and critical information between the parties toward assisting those who have been made homeless or displaced due to the disaster and who are entitled to relief from the government and emergency agencies, FHA and insurance companies. As well, this study has set out how the focus group studies would proceed to gain more information about how strategic communication can be used in reaching out to those who need to communicate with government and emergency agencies, FHA, and insurance companies and what can be done from both sides to ensure that communication is timely and effective. Finally, this study has examined two theoretical frameworks upon which a strategic communication policy can be constructed include the theories of knowledge sharing and diffusion of innovation.


Chennamaneni, a. (2006) Determinants of Knowledge Sharing Behaviors: Developing and Testing an Integrated Theoretical Model. The University of Texas at Arlington. Dec 2006. Retrieved from:

Darnton, a. (2008) Reference Report: An overview of behavior change models and their uses. GSR Behavior Change Knowledge Review. Jul 2008. Retrieved from:

O'Malley, P. (2006) Strategic Communications Planning. A Presentation to IABC Ottawa. Retrieved from:

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