Kuhn's Concept of the Paradigm Term Paper

Total Length: 679 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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He describes Kuhn's specific concepts and shows the philosopher's evolution in thought on the topic. The Encyclopedia of Social Theory has as its objective the education of people searching for information on a specific topic. As such, the site is useful for those looking for information on Kuhn. The site also appears reliable, as it is part of a large network of articles. The author also cites a variety of sources as the basis of his writing.

Wilson, Kenneth G. (2001). Review: The Road since Structure: Philosophical Essays, 1970-1993, with an Autobiographical Interview and Thomas Kuhn: A Philosophical History of Our Times in Physics Today:


The review begins by addressing the issue of history and how it relates to science. This is made relevant to Kuhn's concept of the paradigm, and how paradigm shifts are a necessary part of historical development. It is a useful site, in that it provides not only an overview of current works relating to Kuhn's views, but also a multiplicity of dimensions relating to these views.
Indeed the review describes potential shortcomings in Kuhn's concept, in that it does not address a very wide range of actions needed to accomplish a true paradigm shift. The author does concede Kuhn's vast contribution to the field of studying science. In general, the Physics Today site exists to inform students of science regarding developments and studies in the field. Hence I believe that it is both a useful and legitimate site, in that it addresses more than one point of vies relating to Kuhn's concept. The site is legitimized not only by the fact that it appears in Physics Today, but also by the fact that it focuses on the sources reviewed, rather than solely on the author's opinions......

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