John Donne: An Explication of Term Paper

Total Length: 724 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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" (Lines 5-7) the metaphor of the poet being like a battered and invaded town that is impinged upon by outsiders yet still strives to let in the saving forces suggests both a medieval castle and the poet's divided alliances between the world (evil) and God (good).

The second half of the poem creates further parallels the relationship of the poet to God. The next metaphor, after the castle, suggests that the poet and God's state of affections are like a marriage vow, as word 'yet' marks the transition between thoughts. "yet dearly I love you, and would be loved fain, / but am betrothed unto your enemy. / Divorce me, untie or break that knot again;" (8-11) the poet is like a bride who has been betrothed, because of human's fallen nature, to another being besides God, the enemy (presumably Satan or evil in general.) This is despite the bride's inner and stronger love for the only true divine being, that of the Trinitarian God. But even despite this unfortunate state of affairs, the poet's love is so strong that God can never abandon the poet. "Take me to you, imprison me, for I, / Except you enthrall me, never shall be free, / nor even chaste, except you ravish me.
" (11-14)

The last line is somewhat curious -- for rather than the adoring lover, pining for affection, or the dweller impinged-upon castle, suddenly the poet is imprisoned and the ravished individual of the relationship. This reversal underlines paradox is that unless God catches the poet; the poet will never be free or pure. But still, the poet Donne commands, or implores God -- first, at the beginning for battering, then for ravishing. Only through such pleasurable pain will the poet, he stresses, escape the evilly surrounded, worldly castle and marriage with ungodly urges and forces.

Works Cited

Donne, John. "Holy Sonnet XIV: Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God." Poetry X. Ed. Jough Dempsey. 21 Jul 2003. 17….....

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