Humanitarian Supply Chain Management Project Plan Description Thesis

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Humanitarian Supply Chain Management Project Plan


The project at hand has the potential to really make an impact in the world today. It examines how organizations are actually handling management of humanitarian aid in cases of natural disasters in the attempt to increase overall efficiency of supply chain management. This examination is meant to highlight any inefficient areas in order to better situate humanitarian efforts to become more effective measures for delivering the help that is most needed in dire situations.

Business Objectives

The project needs to be incredibly detailed, and thus will have to spend a significant amount of time examining the issues at hand. Thus, the cycle time will be approximately six months for research and project construction, including data collection. Then the project will need another six months for the analysis of the data and the write up of the final document. Interviews and survey analysis will all be conducted in a method which will be cost effective. No outside assistance will be needed that would increase the overall budget of the project. Quality can be assured based on the type of participants involved, including major operators of some of the most reputable international humanitarian aid organizations. Standardization will be achieved through a strong methodology that will use statistical analysis as well as content analysis to evaluate the process and quality of aid that is already being delivered.

Scope of Work

It is the objective of this project to evaluate how humanitarian aid is effective, and to highlight issues that could be improved. This analysis will provide real deliverable recommendations that can help structure a better model for providing such aid when needed. Still, there are a number of risks that could hinder the overall progress of the project that need to be addressed and properly mitigated in order to reduce their overall negative impact on the project as a whole. Overall, there are three potentially risky challenges which threaten the research: slow response time to survey questions, limited availability of appropriate representatives to be included as participants, and finally a potential limitation to international disaster sites that could be included in the underlying analysis.
In order to proceed with the project, it is crucial that these issues be addressed and solutions be found in order to mitigate their potentially negative impact on the project as a whole.

Project Scope Management

The project will first evaluate the literature regarding the distribution of humanitarian aid to see if there are already issues highlighted. Then, the project will turn towards collecting and evaluating data from the actual field in order to correlate any potential issues found here with any discovered through the literature review. The project will remain flexible in that when issues are discovered, a second round of data collection could be adopted in order to gather more specific information regarding those particular issues.

Project Cost Management

Specific. The specific goal of this project is to provide recommendations and models to improve the quality of and efficiency of distributing humanitarian aid in the event of a disaster.

Measurable. Here, there is the goal of collecting real information from the field in order to evaluate specific programs. This means gathering information from the literature already available, but also reaching out to specific organizations and the key individuals who are responsible for the distribution of aid within those organizations.

Attainable. Data collected in the field can be attained through a systematic methodology. The data will consist of measurable survey responses on a Likert scale that can then be statistically analyzed. Moreover, content analysis will provide qualitative analysis of phone interviews with American representatives of humanitarian aid organizations.

Relevant. Recommendations coming from the project could help create a more viable model that will increase the efficiency of the distribution of humanitarian aid, resulting in a better response to some of the worst disasters imaginable. This analysis is extremely relevant in that it can help provide models to improve the….....

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