Technology to Increase English Vocabulary Literature Review

Total Length: 2448 words ( 8 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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As a result, the variables that can be extracted from this information, is that there needs to be a wide variety of solutions made available to educators. At the same time, there must be more support in helping them to reach out to these students. Once this occurs, it will provide the greatest amounts of learning comprehension. This helps to make the Action Research Project more effective by: understanding how this can improve the student's grasp of the materials and what are the underlying weaknesses in using this technology. (Zimmerman, 2009, pp. 3356 -- 3362)

This resource that was written by Freeman (2008) is significant, because it is highlighting how using technology to teach English language learners can improve the overall amounts of learning comprehension. The reason why, is because a host of different ideas are being presented in format that is using the various language skills of the student to reach out to them. At which point, new concepts can be introduced using a variety of different ideas that are augmented with the traditional English word. This is the point that overall levels of learning comprehension will begin to increase dramatically. The way that these ideas pertain to the local situation, is they are illustrating how these kinds of solutions can be used to: help address the issues facing English language learners on a host of different subjects. As a result, the variables that can be derived from this study are: illustrating how technology can be utilized as tool to bridge the cultural divide in these students. (Freeman, 2008, pp. 9 -- 19)

The information from Rodriguez (2008) is important, because it is illustrating how technology can be used as a way to address the challenges that many English language learners are facing in the traditional classroom. The reason why, is because these kinds of solutions can deal with the student's needs through visual and audio recognition sources. Once this takes place, it means that their overall amounts of learning comprehension will begin to increase dramatically. These different ideas are relevant to the local situation, because they are highlighting how this can be used as a tool to reach out to these individuals. As a result, the variables that can be derived from this study for the Action Research Project, is that it can improve the overall amounts of learning comprehension in these students. (Rodriguez, 2008, pp. 2423 -- 2426)

The information from Schmid (2008) is useful, because it is illustrating how the main ideas of utilizing technology can improve learning comprehension and the underlying techniques that must be used to increase the individual's understanding of the material. The way that this relates to the local situation is that this is providing a workable foundation for increasing our overall amounts of learning comprehension about: how to create an effective curriculum for reaching out to English language learners.
Therefore, the variables that should be derived from these studies for the Action Research Project are: that technology can be effective at reaching out to English language learners and that certain steps must be taken (to ensure that they understand the various ideas that are being presented). (Schmid, 2008, pp. 1553 -- 1568)

The information from Black (2009) is significant, because it is illustrating how these concepts are showing that the use of technology can help to increase a student's understanding of various English language ideas. While simultaneously, allowing them to be able to use the experience from working with various solutions to have a background in applying numerous applications. The way that this pertains to the local situation, is that it is illustrating how this can have long-term benefits. In helping to introduce, English language learners to: the society that they live in and how to be able to adapt to changes in the world around them. As a result, these variables can be applied to the Action Research Project by: showing how these tools can improve their ability to understand the language and to utilize technology to deal with transformations in the global economy. (Black, 2009, pp. 668 -- 697)

The source written by Lopez (2010) is useful, because it is illustrating how this is helping students to understand the way technology can improve the English language learner's abilities to: comprehend the ideas and concepts they are exposed to. The way that this relates to a local situation, is that is helps educators and administrators to have a variety of tools available to address possible achievement gaps inside the school. Therefore, these variables can be used for the Action Research Project to provide a basic foundation of how to effectively reach out to these individuals. (Lopez, 2010, pp. 901 -- 915)

The information from Solozario (2008) is important, because it is showing how the use of technology can improve our understanding in: reaching out to these students and increasing their achievement scores. These elements are relevant to the local situation, because they are confirming how technology is an effective tool for reaching out to these kinds of individuals. As a result, the different variables that are derived from this study can be utilized to: corroborate how this is another method of addressing various achievement gaps in the Action Research Report. (Solozario, 2008, pp. 260 -- 329)


Black, R. (2009). English Language Learners, Fan Communities and 21st Century Skills. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 52 (8), 668 -- 697.

Freeman, B. (2008). Creating a Middle School Mathematics Curriculum. Remedial and Special Education. 29 (1), 9 -- 19.

Lopez, O. (2010). The Digital Learning Classroom. Computers.....

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