Intermediate Sanctions How Boot Camps Term Paper

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(Kilgore; Mede, 64)

Of course as a program approaches the end, much interaction have concentrated around how to return to the home environment and foster relationships with positive influences and make positive selections. Boot camps unquestionably generate a scope for the boys to become part of a positive peer environment, and this environment is likely to be one of the keys to each boy's success at the camp. (Kilgore; Mede, 65) Further Boot camps have shown that the society has a great liking for the functioning of the Boot Camps. Against the environment where serving in the military is considered as a valuable gain of knowledge and training, the society also appears to intuitively understand the valuable cause inherent in the programs. (Smylka; Selke, p. 93)

Cons of Boot Camps:

The inmates of boot camp appeared to be less vulnerable to re-offend after liberation in comparison to that of other juvenile delinquents who had not gone through the boot camp. Zaehringer revealed that about 75% of the boot camp inmates were released within one year. Irrespective of the fact that boot camp staff did not intend to teach about criminal behavior some boys reported that they gained ideas or had thoughts about future criminal activities by adhering to the functioning of peers. Additionally, some peer's attained higher social status in the group as a result of the kinds of crimes they perpetrated. The more meticulous and prospectively hazardous the crime the more higher is the status of the individual. (Kilgore; Mede, 65)

The analysis made by Doris Layton MacKenzie and his colleagues recommend that it was not the facility type but the positive perceptions of the environment that indicated such variations. Moreover, youth with histories of abuse indicated higher levels of stress and demonstrated less improvement overall faring better in conventional facilities. (MacKenzie; Wilson; Armstrong; Gover, 302) Georgia is considered to be one of the first states to establish boot camps for juvenile offenders, accomplished to phase out this form of correction at the end of 1999. Since boot camps have not reduced recidivism, Georgia and other states perceive to other alternatives for rehabilitating youthful offenders. One attribute of the boot camp that has been specifically alluring the evaluators and policy makers is that it is targeted to inspire discipline in participants. However, experiences in Georgia and other states have revealed discipline disappeared for most youngsters soon after their back home and the community boys who were confined in the boot camp gained knowledge of many things but commonly not what was officially desired. Such incompatibility between the goal and consequence is a symbol of a common problem among the organizations depicting the variation between an organizations espoused theories and their practicability. (Kilgore; Mede, 65)

Organization sometimes has categorical statements and awareness of what they aim at accomplishing and the way they desire to fulfill such objectives. However, members of such organizations take other ways. The theories which are actually put into practice comes out of intentional organizational arrangements that generate learning in contradiction to the official objectives of the organization. Ultimately, the Boot camps entail a scope for the boys to become a part of a positive peer environment, and this environment is likely to be one of the factors to each of the boy's success at the camp. Unluckily, there is no safeguard for attaining and maintaining the positive peer relationships once the boy is back to home. Infusing such type of circumstances on one's own has confirmed to be difficult, if not impossible, for many. This is a major limitation of intermediate sanctions inclusive of Boothcamps.
(Kilgore; Mede, 65)

Boot camps which is a correctional system in consonance with military style have been brought to the arena of Intermediate sanctions in recent times. Boot camps have the significance for forbidding the inmates to perpetrate further criminal acts by infusing fear, prevent juveniles from perpetrating further crimes by debilitating them, rehabilitate juveniles, penalize juveniles for the crimes they have already committed and attain any of them in a cost effective way. The techniques devised were to slash the resistance of the Juveniles and they give rise to the positive variations. They come across positive adult role models while involving themselves in the daily life and in organized activities in the camp. The boot camp makes them learn respect, self-respect, respect for others, and also respect for assets. Due to the high extent of youthful drug use and related problems, boot camps provide as a successful interference in declining the chances for the youngsters to re-enter the field of crime. The intention behind such comprehensive schedule in the boot camps is to teach the boys that leading a highly organized life is the basis of success. Boot camps aim at a shock treatment for juvenile delinquents, but for many, it is more contented then their home environment. Moreover, the boys refuse the probability of their imprisonment in future and deny thinking of what prison might appear to be.

Studies conducted have revealed that the criminal behaviors of the offenders declined radically after detention and continued at this lower level throughout the probation period. The inmates depicted improvement in their academic and employability skills, and many were capable of finding and continuing a job after their serving term ended. In spite of their advantages, boot camps also have their limitations. One attribute of the boot camp that has been specifically alluring the evaluators and policy makers is that it is targeted to inspire discipline in participants. However, experiences have revealed that discipline disappeared for most youngsters soon after their back home and the community boys who were confined in the boot camp gained knowledge of many things but commonly not what was officially desired. There is a need to encourage safeguard programs for attaining and maintaining the positive peer relationships once the boy is back home. But overall it could be understood that Boot camps have their advantages for the inmates and the society also feel at large that boot camps are beneficial. Efforts should be taken to overcome the limitations which exist.


Benda, Brent B. Testing the Problem Syndrome among Young Males in Boot Camp: Use of Theoretical Elaboration with Reciprocal Relationships. Social Work Research. 1999. Volume: 23; No: 1; pp: 73-78

Kilgore, Deborah; Mede, Susan. Look What Boot Camp's done for me: Teaching and Learning at Lakeview Academy. Journal of Correctional Education. June, 2004. Volume: 45; No: 1; pp: 60-66

MacKenzie, Doris Layton; Li, Spencer De. The Impact of Formal and Informal Social Controls on the Criminal Activities of Probationers. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. August, 2002. Volume: 39; No. 3; pp: 243-276

MacKenzie, Doris Layton; Wilson, David B; Armstrong, Gaylene Styve; Gover, Angela R. The Impact of Boot Camps and Traditional Institutions on Juvenile Residents: Perceptions, Adjustment, and Change. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. August 2001. Volume: 38: No: 3; pp: 279-313

Mathlas, R.E.S; Matthews, J.M. The Boot Camp Program for….....

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