Interfaith in Recent Year There Research Proposal

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The article explains that many evangelicals believe that fasting in the same fashion as Muslims, undermines Christianity. They assert that such associations actually blur the lines between the faiths.

However, leaders of the Christian movement towards having such relationships with other faiths disagree with the aforementioned assertion. According to Brian McLaren, one of the Christian leaders of the interfaith movement, explains that the reason for fasting is not to become Muslim. Instead he asserts that "we are deeply committed Christians. But as Christians, we want to come close to our Muslim neighbors and to share this important part of life with them." The goal is to join Muslims in the observance as "a God-honoring expression of peace, fellowship and neighborliness (Gorski, 2009)."

McLaren started the movement because he believed that many Americans began to develop an anti-muslim ideology as a result of the terrorist attacks of 2001. He believed that through the development of relationships these sentiments could be reduced.

Although Christians participating in such relationships with Muslims is not necessarily approved by all Christians, Ries makes clear that he is a Chrisitian and that he believes in Jesus Christ. However, Reis also asserts that he does not have the right to send people to heaven or hell because he is not God. Ries also explains that much of the objection to his fellowship with muslims is governed by fear. He asserts that those that are opposed to such relationships simply have a fear of the unknown. The article further explains that understanding the faith of Muslims is essential to guaranteeing peace and unity amongst the faith.

Still others argue that Christians engaging in the practices of Muslims is wrong and contrary to the word of God. The article explains that

"It's by following these practices that a Muslim demonstrates his obedience to the rule of the law through the Quran.
For a Christian to do the same automatically implies a submission to the same rule…Christians should have friendships with people of other faith, but engaging in other traditions' worship practices is problematic…Christians and Muslims fast for different purposes and do not worship the same God. Christians observing a Ramadan fast is "insane at best ... Sad, tragic, horrific, misguided, dangerous, wrong…If Christians want to pray during Ramadan, they should pray not with Muslims but for Muslims -- that Muslims would come to know Jesus. To pray with Muslims absolutely dishonors Jesus."

The fact that there is not consensus on whether or not people of other faiths should observe one another customs, speaks to the problematic nature in interfaith relationships. Although is a problematic issue their has been a great deal of striving toward better relations between people of different faiths.


The purpose of this discussion was to examine interfaith relations. The research indicates that globalization has led to a greater need for interfaith relationships. Some Christians and Muslims have been making a concerted effort to develop relationships with one another. However, there are some who believe that the development of such relationships are problematic and inconsistent with Christianity. Whatever the case, interfaith relationships is an issue that will continue to exist as a result of the presence of globalization in our world.

Works Cited

Ariarajah S.W. Religious Diversity and Interfaith Relations in a Global Age. Retrieved December 12, 2009 from; http: / / _chaplaincy/Geoff_papers/ariarajah.PDF

Gorski, E. (2009) Muslims find new Ramadan fast partners: Christians. Retrieved December 12, 2009 from;

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