Hypnosis Is Much More Than Research Proposal

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Whole belief systems can be transformed with the power of hypnosis, which is why the technique is used for treating addictions and phobias. On the Tonight Show with David Letterman, actor Matt Damon lauded the power of hypnosis to help him stop smoking. Damon noted, "I should have done it years ago. It's amazing - I didn't even want cigarettes any more," (cited on the Hypnosis Network).

No absolute statistics for the effectiveness of hypnosis are possible due to a number of intervening variables that interfere with research validity and reliability. Hypnosis works in part because of the cooperation of the client. The placebo effect is a type of hypnosis: the person tricks his or her body or mind based on the belief that a substance is working. In other words, the placebo effect is hypnosis in action. Hypnosis proves that it does not matter whether or not a pill or technique works; what really matters is whether or not the individual believes that it will. At the same time, hypnosis has been known to be effective on individuals who did not believe entirely in the procedure. Researchers are still trying to figure out exactly what makes hypnosis effective (Mayo Clinic).

The Mayo Clinic outlines many of the most common techniques used in a hypnotherapy session including self-hypnosis sessions. Visualization is one way that self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy converge. The client enters into a deep state of relaxation and constructively creates his or her new reality.
Visualizing a thin body, a smoke-free existence, or a pain-free life creates conditions that enable those visions to become reality. Another common technique is programming. The therapist will help the client relax into a deep state of mind and then repeat affirmations or suggestions. If using self-hypnosis, the individual may rely on pre-recorded affirmations.

Hypnosis seems more mysterious than it actually is because scientific research into the process is relatively new. Individual differences also cloud the reliability of empirical data. Hypnosis is, what Brody of the New York Times calls, "the epitome of mind-body medicine."


Brody, J.E. (2008). The Possibilities in Hypnosis, Where the Patient Has the Power. The New York Times. Nov 3, 2008. Retrieved Nov 11, 2008 at http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/04/health/04brody.html?ref=science

Hypnosis Network. (2008). What Do Tiger Woods, Kevin Costner, Matt Damon, and Jackie Kennedy All Have in Common? Retrieved Nov 1, 2008 at http://www.hypnosisnetwork.com/index.php

Hypnosis Shown To Reduce Symptoms Of Dementia." (2008). Science Daily. Retrieved Nov 11, 2008 at http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080728111402.htm

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2008). Hypnosis: Another way to manage pain, kick bad habits. Retrieved Nov 1, 2008 at http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hypnosis/SA00084

Miller, M.C. (2008). Can hypnosis help people who want to quit smoking? Newsday.com Retrieved Nov 11, 2008 at http://www.newsday.com/services/newspaper/printedition/tuesday/health/ny-hscab5921092nov11,0,2625958.story.....

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