Medical Terminology Physiotherapy, Also Known As Physical Essay

Total Length: 676 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Medical Terminology

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, involves diagnosing, evaluating and treating a wide range of disorders. Physiotherapy helps restore normal body function and can cure disabilities to a great extent. Various modes of treatment are used, such as, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary and integumentary physiotherapy techniques. Like medicine, this field is also constantly evolving. Today, with the development of aids, such as walking devices and mobility aids, the usefulness of physiotherapy has increased many folds. (Noton)

Physiotherapy is most popular amongst patients who have suffered an injury or are suffering from mobility disorders, such as osteoarthritis. Patients from the orthopedic department are often referred to a physiotherapist. Physiotherapy offers complete cure for certain common orthopedic problems, such as joint stiffness and frozen shoulders. It also forms the basis of pain management in other slowly progressive joint disorders, such as gouty arthritis, cervical spondylosis and low back pain. Disorders like the post polio syndrome are also solely managed through physiotherapy. A recent article published establishes the beneficial role of physiotherapy in many joint disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis where exercise training has proven to be effective in reversing cachexia and reducing the risk for cardiovascular involvement.
Furthermore improved mobility has also proven by many researches conducted on this matter. (Cooney, Jane, and Matschke )

Physiotherapy is also popular outside the orthopedic department. It forms the basis of management of cystic fibrosis. Through the years, physiotherapy has evolved from daily postural drainage and percussion to the development of many airway clearing techniques. This has helped increase the survival of patients with cystic fibrosis to the fourth and fifth decade. Today, the treatment of cystic fibrosis involves not only airway clearance, but also includes useful advice on exercise, posture and mobility, inhalation therapy and non-invasive respiratory support as the disease progresses. (Prasad, Tennenbaum, and Mikelsons 27-33)

Physiotherapy has also proven beneficial for patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Techniques, such as intermittent positive pressure ventilation, positive expiratory pressure and walking exercises greatly improve the quality of life for these patients.….....

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