Middle School Student Diversity How Research Paper

Total Length: 2234 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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When this happens, they will recall these concepts and begin utilizing them. In a number of schools, this is enhancing everyone's understanding of the challenges that English language learners and other individuals will face in adapting with their new environment. (Graham, 2009) (Wang, 2010)

How does the research relate to these theories?

The research is showing that each one of these theories is effective at enhancing diversification inside middle schools. This is because they are taking a much different perspective, when it comes to understanding and addressing those challenges impacting students. The added flexibility makes educators more capable of addressing key problems when they are small and improving individual motivation. (Koop, 2008) (Ogot, 2008)

What are the theoretical assumptions and allegiances (based upon the data that was collected)?

The theoretical assumptions are that one strategy will work better in contrast with the others. When in reality, many of these ideas can be implemented into an educational environment with a certain degree of flexibility. This means that teachers and administrators cannot assume that a particular idea will be most effective. Instead, they must objectively analyze what is happening and introduce solutions that will enhance diversity. It is at this point when students will be motivated to learn more and they can utilize key concepts on their own in the future. (Koop, 2008) (Ogot, 2008)

Analysis of the Research

How can the different theories be used to enhance middle school diversity?

The analysis of the research reveals that each of the contrasting theories can help to enhance middle school diversity. However, one of the biggest problems educators will face is taking a one size fits all approach. This is troubling, as each school environment is completely different. Those who do not take this into consideration will only add to these challenges. When this happens, they will be ineffective at promoting diversity and excellence. (Yu, 2010) (Schwarz, 2011)

To avoid these kinds of problems, everyone must have an open mind and adjust each theory with their environment. This means using flexibility to reach out to the student and embracing select elements from each strategy.
If there are any challenges, teachers can adapt these approaches to increase their ability to connect with the individual. (Yu, 2010) (Schwartz, 2011)

This is when they will understand key concepts and the culture around them. In the future, this promotes diversity by teaching these people about the school atmosphere and the skills to succeed. This is when everyone will have greater amounts of learning comprehension. (Yu, 2010) (Schwartz, 2011)


Clearly, all middle schools are facing considerable challenges when addressing student diversity. This is because their demographics are shifting with more people from different cultures and backgrounds. For educators, there are select tools which can help to improve their ability to connect with these and other students. The most notable include: educational productivity, greater choices / competition and technological innovation. These theories have been shown to be effective in promoting diversity inside a variety of middle schools.

However, anyone who is using them must have tremendous amounts of flexibility and an open mind. This is from each educational environment having contrasting demographics of personalities, ethnic and income groups. Those who have these attributes can utilize key ideas from each of the different strategies to improve quality. In the future, this will promote diversity by using these solutions as a bridge between various cultures. It is at this point when student motivation and achievement levels will increase from taking this kind of perspective.

Other areas that need to be researched in the future are how these ideas can be combined to create an all inclusive strategy. This will offer educators with a hybrid model which can provide them with a basic background for enhancing diversity. Over the course of time, this will improve quality and ensure that no one is left behind.


Alba, R. (2011). Schools and the Diversity Transition. American Behavioral Scientist, 55 (12), 1616 -- 1634.

Brozek, E. (2009). Supporting English Language Learners. Educators Voice. Retrieved from: http://www.nysut.org/files/edvoiceIV_ch2.pdf

Casas, M. (2010). Enhancing Student Diversity. New York, NY: Routledge.

Graham, S. (2009). It must be Me. Journal of Youth Adolescence, 38, 487 -- 499.

Koop, B......

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