Natisve Americans Native Americans and European Nations Essay

Total Length: 1499 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Natisve Americans

Native Americans and European nations during the seventeenth century lived peacefully in such a manner that it was impossible to believe that this peace coexistence would be disrupted after the end of French and Indian War in 1763. The War of League of Augsburg and the War of Spanish Succession were fought in late seventeenth and early eighteenth century respectively in order to gain power, wealth and lands in the eastern part of North America.

Native Americans in North America after 1763

Native Americans and European nations during the seventeenth century lived peacefully in such a manner that it was impossible to believe that this peace coexistence would be disrupted after the end of French and Indian War in 1763. The War of League of Augsburg and the War of Spanish Succession were fought in late seventeenth and early eighteenth century respectively in order to gain power, wealth and lands in the eastern part of North America. After the end of these two wars, the Treaty of Utrecht was signed and it brought political and economical stability in the region and brought the era of Long Peace.

British colonies flourished during this time and enjoyed political stability. During this time, each of the colonies enjoyed its own form of government. Colonists were normally engaged in agricultural activities and were independent farmers. Furthermore, they had their own land and also had voting rights (Henretta, 100). Tea, rum, sugar, cups, plates and other accessories that were previously restricted to the elites, were now being enjoyed by every individual. During this time, British America witnessed a growth in population as Germans, English and Irish citizens settled in these colonies. Religious and cultural diversity allowed every colonist to live together in peace (Henretta, 142). Slightest interruption came from the War of Austrian Succession but peace stilled prevailed.

French and Indian War

Things gradually changed after the end of French and Indian War in the year 1763, when French and Spanish power ended in the region of North America and Britain emerged as the sole power in North America. Britain's relationship with the colonies changed significantly. After going on war for more than nine years, the end of French and Indian War nearly bankrupted Britain and for this purpose, it started to impose taxes on the British colonies in order to generate revenues and to recover the treasury (Henretta, 118). Economic instability and political agenda of British, created a rift between the colonists and British.
Furthermore, the Long Peace with the Native Americans was also disrupted and thus, ended the chapter of peaceful coexistence between Native Americans and Europeans.

French and British Alliances with Native Americans before 1763

During the seventeenth and eighteenth century, European powers had entered North America in order to expand their territories and to compete with one another for economic power and wealth. Two main rivals were the British and the French. French were settled near Acadia, New Orleans and St. Lawrence Valley. On the other hand, British colonies were established near coastal areas and majority of them were settled in Georgia, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. In between two opponents, Native Americans lived (Henretta, 120). In order to gain political power in the region, French concentrated on establishing strong relationships with the Native Americans. Friendship between the French and the Indians concentrated on exchange of gifts.

In Louisiana, the French concentrated on creating an alliance with the native peoples. Native Americans also recognized the importance of creating alliances with the French, as it allowed them to become engaged in fur trade. French also supplied guns and weapons to Native Americans in order to form alliance with the Native American tribes.

During the 1730s, Native American groups including Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws and Iroquois were also actively engaged in creating political alliances with the French, British and Spanish in a quest for balance of power. However, the balance of power ended during the end of French and Indian War, when Britain emerged as the dominant player in North America and expelled French from North America. The impact of the end of French and Indian War on Native Americans was negative and truly tragic.

Native Americans after 1763

As mentioned earlier, Britain emerged as the sole power in North America. The impact of the War on the Indians was negative and tragic as it changed their culture and history forever. The Treaty of Paris had been signed between Britain, France and Spain, in which France had to….....

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