High School Cliques and a Bit of Improvisation Essay

Total Length: 1373 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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causes that explain clique behavior in high school, and as to the male cliques, it isn't simply a matter of "boys being boys." While it may look like typical adolescent rebellion -- teenage angst -- it is more a matter of self-image and self-esteem. There is seemingly always an element of rebellion -- that has been generalized and stereotyped as a natural part of growing up for decades -- but in truth the studies that are reflected in "Kicking Back" indicate self-esteem is apparently a serious reason for cliques. It seems to be a case of kids hanging out together to protect themselves from appearing to be weak, and kids who are confused and lost -- while their hormones rage wildly through their bodies -- who act weird, crazy, stupid and moreover, do spontaneous things that can be hurtful to others.

(Two) According to studies reported in "Kicking Back" there is an unbelievable percentage of adolescents who don't feel good about themselves. It seems hard to fathom that only 5% of kids in high school actually feel good about themselves. Frankly there must be additional studies that would challenge those numbers. Somehow the questions asked during these surveys must have been skewed because asserting that 80% of kindergarten kids are happy and content but only 5% of them still feel good about themselves by the time they reach the 9th grade is near to preposterous. Given that there must be some truth in that data, the explanation may lie in the emotional and psychological battering they take through negative statements, and also their failure to meet society's expectations certainly enters into the mix.

(Three) The graduates that were interviewed claim high school was not a productive experience and they claimed they did not receive the training or the skills they felt in hindsight that they really needed in order to succeed. They apparently never learned how to truly interact with others, they did not handle pressure and conflict very well, and no one explained to them or taught them what adolescent development is all about and the physical and psychological changes they were going through.
The teenage years should be a time in which schools prepare youth for the challenges they will face later, and how to get a job and how to save and properly invest the money that is earned through menial work experiences. Given the high rates of suicide and attempts at suicide, that's a red flag that educators and public officials should heed.

(Four) Hostility that builds up within some students -- driven in part by a lack of self-esteem and classes that seem meaningless to them -- leads to cliques, and cliques can lead to bullying. It's the oldest concept in the world: there is strength in numbers. A loner who has very little support from his family and joins a clique now has a new "family" of friends that will back him up. One can hear them whisper in the hallways: "Let's pick on that geek David Martin today, and tomorrow we'll attack some queers." Those who have been bullied tend to cut classes to avoid being shoved, hit, and verbally harassed; some suffer serious emotional consequences and this problem is bigger today than it ever has been. It's a national disgrace that these events go on in schools

(Five) Cliques offer young people a group to belong to. In one sense, it's as simple as that, and for many kids, they aren't part of a church group and don't have a lot of friends outside school, so a clique gives them a social identity. Pretty girls hang out together and do the same things; football players share the same sub-culture within the school so it's reasonable to expect they will become a clique. There will always be cliques, there have always been cliques, and from an objective standpoint, there's no harm in a clique and until it becomes antisocial and violent -- or otherwise disruptive of the student population -- it is just another way for adolescents to publicly display their values. Many students want to be….....

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