Hellenistic Art As Hellenistic Art Is Gradually Essay

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Hellenistic Art

As Hellenistic art is gradually transformed into Roman and early Christian art, the concept of pathos continues to play an important role. Discuss pathos in the evolution from Hellenistic to Roman art and the emergence of pietas as a marker of Roman/Early Christian art.

The Hellenistic period is focusing on artworks created in the timeframe between: the death of Alexander the Great (in 332 BC) to the beginning of ancient Rome. The pathos is the emotions and feelings tied directly to various works and their underlying meaning. For the Hellenistic period, this had an influence on the Romans based upon the styles and techniques that were utilized. They focused mainly on creating a sense of balance, showing the human side of their deities and projecting everyday people (using these attributes). ("Beyond the Borders of Classic Greek Art") ("Hellenistic, Etruscan and Early Roman Art")

This was accomplished through utilizing different marble sculptures and paintings to depict them inside their natural state. The Romans were influenced by these styles and began implementing similar techniques into their works. The basic idea was to convey contemporary feelings about religion, life and the values of society. ("Beyond the Borders of Classic Greek Art") ("Hellenistic, Etruscan and Early Roman Art")

The Romans incorporated and refined what they learned from the Hellenistic period, to create their own styles to connect various ideas, feelings and virtues together (through the pietas). At first, this occurred with Cicero using this to define how someone should act and behave by showing their duty to the different Roman gods. At the same time, it was utilized to instill the attributes the ideal person in society should embrace and their influences on others. It is based upon the way they acted, carried themselves and the attitudes they embraced.
This is taking the ideas from the Hellenistic period to effect how they looked at the world around them using: emotionalism, religion and instilling a sense of the most commonly accepted values. ("Hellenistic, Etruscan and Early Roman Art") ("The Birth of New Hellenistic Art")

As time went by, the pietas became more dominant in early Christian art with these techniques instilling the morals, ideals and beliefs of this religion. After the crucifixion of Christ, these ideas became a part of telling his story and the meaning of these events for everyone. One of the best examples of this can be seen with paintings and statues showing Christ on the cross. This helps contemporary society to see what ideals should be embraced and the attitudes which go along with them. ("The Birth of New Hellenistic Art")

Moreover, the pietas are used to connect emotions with the attributes of what Christ stood for and to instill a sense of emotions connected with them. In many paintings from this era, the pietas are utilized to demonstrate a standard of Christian art by showing the ideals and attributes which must be embraced. This helps everyone to connect with these concepts and understand how specific techniques are influencing them. ("The Birth of New Hellenistic Art")

The path from Hellenistic to Roman art is continuous. Etruscan and Judaic influences can be seen in this evolution which follows the established pattern of continuity and transformation. Discuss major examples of art that illustrate this evolution from Hellenistic to a unique Roman art form. In your answer be sure to include the following words / phrases: Hellenistic / Etruscan / Judaic,….....

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