France the Influence of France Thesis

Total Length: 1553 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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In conclusion, practically everything connected to French culture and society, whether of ancient or modern origins, is protected, promoted and endorsed by the Minister of Culture, part of the French government and operated by a single cabinet member. Some of the areas included in this entity are museums, national monuments, the visual arts (movies and TV), the theatre, music, dance, architecture, literature and the French National Archives, similar to America's Library of Congress. Overall, the Minister of Culture is responsible for maintaining French identity and is currently located at the Palais Royale in the city of Paris, the heart of all French culture.


Aresty, Esther B. (2005). The Exquisite Table: A History of French Cuisine. New York:


de la Croix, Horst, ed. (2005).
Art Through the Ages. 12th ed. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich, Inc.

"French Language History." (2009). Internet. Accessed November 26, 2009 from

Kedward, Rod. (2006). France and the French: A Modern History. New York: Penguin

Group, USA.

Maughan, Jennifer. (2009). "The History of Fashion." Internet. Accessed November 26, 2009


"Religion in France." (2009). Internet. Accessed November 26, 2009 from

Rickard, Peter. (1989). A History of the French Language. New York: Unwin & Hyman.

Seignobos, Charles. (2006). A History of the French People. New York: Herperides Press.

Steele-Carlin, Sherrill. (2009). "A Short History of French Cuisine." Internet. Accessed November 26, 2009 from


Thompson, William S.….....

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