Feeling Different I Got a Term Paper

Total Length: 700 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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When I got outside the person to pick me had not yet arrived so I sat down next to a woman who was in the company of daughter. The girl was playing around and by mistake touched my bag; the woman quickly pulled her away screaming" don't you know that these people do not like us." It was quite uncomfortable since I did not expect such words from her. Even if I am a stranger how I can possibly hate "them" and never knew them. This made me feel so bad since it was the least of what I expected from people in the U.S. The one to take me finally arrived and just pointed to the taxi that he was to drive me in, he never bothered to assist me in my luggage as I saw other passengers being assisted. This was shocking and when I got into the taxi he told me that he hoped that I had not carried any explosives from where I came from I told him that he could have searched me if those were his thoughts.
The whole experience at the airport was very uncomfortable, took various steps in dealing with the situation. First I accepted that the situation I was in was indeed uncomfortable and it was what I expected since it was my first time in the U.S. And being from the Middle East the people in the U.S. And formed opinions of people from the middle east. I chose not to overreact and aggravate the situation any further, for instance I answered to the remarks made by the people there in a casual way so that I would not build any unnecessary tensions (WikiHow, 2012).


WikiHow. (2012). How to Deal With an Uncomfortable Situation.Retrieved December 2, 2012 from http://www.wikihow.com/Deal-With-an-Uncomfortable-Situation

Tristam, P. (2010). Five Myths about the Middle East. Retrieved December 2, 2012 http://middleeast.about.com/od/middleeast101/tp/me080120.htm.....

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