Nurses Use the Nursing Process in the Term Paper

Total Length: 1413 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Nurses use the nursing process in the promotion of health, reduction of risk as well as management of disease in their daily lives. Yildirim and Ozkahraman (2011,p.257) noted that the nursing process has for along time been an integral component of the nursing practice. This is because it has been employed in problem solving exercises while thinking of plan of care as the very foundation for the professional practice in nursing practice. The nursing process may be used by nurses in the description of the a given plan of care that may subsequently be used in providing the students with an enhanced learning experience that aids them in practicing critical thinking as well as acquire decision making skills. The nursing process is therefore seen as an important decision making process that is critical in nursing practice. Nurses can therefore us the nursing process in carrying out of the five critical processes namely assessment, disease diagnosis, care planning, implementation of they care plan as well as evaluation of the care outcomes.

A nurse is therefore destined to take care of various different roles in the course of their career. This is because they act as caregivers, patient advocates as well as record keepers. Nurses are also noted to be the first line of communication between the doctor and their patients. This is because they are usually the very first ones to see and evaluate the condition of the patients. They carry out the initial assessment and are therefore the very first people to relay any important information from the patient to the doctor. An examination of the role of nurses in the promotion of health as well as wellness in the course of patient care reveals that the use of evidence-based practice is integral to the process of health promotion, risk reduction as well as disease management. Evidence-based nursing practice is noted by McEwen (2002) to be an important aspect of nursing since it aims at filling gaps that exists between research, theory and nursing practice itself. Penz and Bassendowski (2006,p.250) noted that unfortunately several RNs in clinical practice do not have a grasp of the concept of evidence-based nursing practice.
They also don't know how to incorporate it into the general clinical settings. The nursing profession should therefore, as pointed out by Estabrooks (1998) incorporate the best elements of evidence of patient care while being guided by a clear purpose of improving patient care. Essentially, evidence-based nursing is a special discipline in which the nurses make various decision by means of the current "best" clinical research evidence that is then appropriately blended with the existing approved clinical guidelines, policies, judgment, clinical expertise as well as patient preferences (Rycroft-Malone et al., 2004; Ciliska, Pinelli, DiCenso, & Cullum, 2001). The concept of evidence-based nursing practice is noted to recognize the very importance of sound judgment and intuition in nursing practice with an incorporation of various components of the lates, best research evidence into patient care (Ervin,2002).

The role of nurses in health promotion is manifested in their roles in illness prevention while also acting as ambassadors of wellness. Nurses play an integral role in caring for the well as for the sick. Their role in taking care for the well is noted by some to be more important. The current economy is marked with instances of budget cuts, staff shortages and cost reduction. These instances make health promotion to be the perfect remedy. If wellness is preserved, then the number of instances that a person need to consult a health-care service is also reduce thereby reducing the costs involved. Health promotion is defined as the process of enabling individuals to increase the level of control over disease and to improve their personal health. In order to ensure that this process is facilitated, nurses must provide the patients with appropriate information. These nurses have an important role in providing this information in the form of healthcare teachings/lessons.

Whenever nurses are operating within the health promotion model, each and every instance of interaction with the client can be regarded as an educational intervention as noted by Ranking (2005). A perfect example is when a nurse is educating a patient or a given family on how to dress a diabetic foot….....

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