Republic Can Be Defined As Essay

Total Length: 780 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Today's world does not have many examples of absolutist monarchies left in the world (Bhutan and Nepal were good example, but recent political changes in these countries no longer qualify them for inclusion), but historically France is probably the best example to fit as an absolutist monarchy.

Representative democracy is a political system in which the people elect individuals to represent their interests in the decision making process at a state level. In a pure democracy, usually going back to ancient Athens, was a form of consultative democracy in which every member of the society participated in the political meetings and decision making process. With the growth of population that sort of democracy was obviously no longer functional, turning it into a representative democracy.

In the United States, the electing constituencies and districts are formed by a small number of individuals who reside in a certain area and have specific interests which they follow when electing their representatives. The two main branches of the legislative government, as they are formed through elections, are the House of Representatives and the Senate, which together form the legislative body known as the Congress. The Congress, as a representative body, is entrusted with creating the legislative framework in which the U.S. society can function.
The idea of pluralism is to have the power distributed between more entities within a state. In the United States, the three main branches, the judicial, the executive and the legislative branch, are separate so as to appropriately distribute power among themselves, while best representing the interests of the people. This usually goes even further down, with power shared incrementally within the same branch.

Pluralism is meant to create a power sharing between these branches, but also a system of independent decision making processes and a framework of checkpoints by which the activity in each branch can be regulated. In its current format, it does give the U.S. citizen an important say in the affairs of the government, although this may be to a lesser degree than in the past. One good example in this sense is that the people in the electing constituencies can come and visit the electing members of Congress in order to communicate to them their interests and the things they need to be considering when elaborating legislative acts......

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