Celebrity Culture Since the Early Research Paper

Total Length: 1716 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: -5

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What is curious about the fans is that they continuously want to be like their idols regardless of the level of decadence which the respective celebrities find themselves in. Reality shows like Big Brother, Cheaters, and others, have become particularly famous especially for the people from the lower classes. Celebrities today often become the main subject of any conversation and people relate to them as if they practically know them personally. (Norton)

Andy Warhole, the 20th century artist, had claimed that in the future all the people would be famous for approximately 15 minutes of their lives. For what is worth, the statement has a little bit of truth in it, if we look deeper into the concept of celebrity-status.
(Terry Griemley)

Works Cited

Griemley, T. (2008, April 29).Culture: Celebrating and Capturing the Modern Phenomenon of Fame; Visual Arts Terry Grimley Reviews an Exhibition on the Theme of Celebrity. The Birmingham Post.

Henderson, a. (1992). Media and the Rise of Celebrity Culture. Retrieved December 10, 2008 from Organization of American Historians Web site: http://www.oah.org/pubs/magazine/communication/henderson.html

Neimark, J. (1995, May/June). The Culture of Celebrity. Psychology Today Magazine.

Norton, G. (2007, February 21). Why I love celebrity culture. Guardian.

2007, April 17). Celebrity Culture Isn't dead, Gordon - it's Got a Book Deal &; and INCIDENTALLY. The….....

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