Civil Service Process in Iowa Term Paper

Total Length: 956 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Any department adopting the civil service procedure to hire is expected to use a hiring ratio, which in most cases is based on criteria that are non-objective. In conjunction with the civil service process, a federal process known as the affirmative action is used, and its main aim is to ensure there are no gender discriminations or biases in relation of ethnic background. it, therefore, helps in transparency during the selection of law enforcement officers. The police agencies should be ready to abide to these criteria for them to acquire the best workforce (Bagley, 2007).

The issues of promotions in the police workforce are also determined by the civil service agency, and the police departments hardly have any mandate to promote their employees. After a certain study, there was a revelation that over 80% of the police bodies and departments in most of the cities, including Iowa, were under the scrutiny of the regulations provided in the civil service Act. This was a clear indication that the process of promotion of workers under the law enforcement bodies was typically the affair of civil service agencies. The police department, therefore, does not enjoy any privileges to promote hired personnel to higher ranks and positions (Cordner & Scarborough, 2010).

In case of a likely hood to terminate police agents, there are numerous processes involved due to the rights the employees have. The law protects the employees in public office from unnecessary termination of the employment contacts.
There has to be genuine and proven reason to justify termination and there has to be a number of causes leading to the termination. In situations where the employee wants to leave due to certain reasons such as low performance or any personal matters, than the employer, in this scenario the civil service, has extended mandate to process the termination (Richard et al. 2009).


The civil service process in Iowa is, therefore, the body that decides how public offices will be governed, regardless of the different fields and departments. The civil service, therefore, dictates the police agencies procedures. The department has limited authority in processing of hiring, promoting and termination, hence most regulations are provided by the civil service. This has always been the best approach because it allows for transparency in the selection of the employees, and safeguards malicious behavior of unexpected termination. This ensures the police department is an organization that has the best governance resulting to exceptional service.


Kotchegura, a. (2008) Civil Service Reform in Post-Communist Countries: Netherlands, Amsterdam University Press.

Bagley, P.D. (2007) the Everything Guide to Careers in Law Enforcement: A Complete Handbook: New York, Everything Books.

Cordner, G.W. & Scarborough, K.E. (2010) Police Administration: New York, Elsevier.

Richard, M.A., Emener, W.G. & Hutchison, W.S. Jr. (2009) Employee Assistance Programs: Wellness/Enhancement Programming: New York, Charles C.….....

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