Measurement and Density Determination Measurement Lab Report

Total Length: 1315 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Protecting children from the effects of second-hand smoke and the extent by which the government can mandate repulsive images on the cigarette boxes are two cases which are causing controversy. The "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released data claiming that one in five middle and high school students are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke while in cars." (Yahanda, 2012, p. 1) Thus there are many proponents of banning smoking while in the car and children are present. This type of law is difficult because to many it impinges on individual freedom in a private location. Secondly, a U.S. District judge blocked the government mandate that required cigarette companies to place specific graphic images of the effects of cigarette smoking on cigarette boxes. This case also deals with the government authority to require corporations to compel private business to include images on their product.


1. Two pieces of filter paper should be weighed and added to the setup in the diagram.

2. Carefully attach a vacuum line to the appropriate places on the flasks.

3. Weigh an unfiltered cigarette and attach it vertically to the clamp, then turn on the vacuum lines slowly and light the cigarette, adjusting the vacuum so it burns in 3-5 min.

4. After the cigarette is burned down, put it out and turn off the vacuum

5. Weigh both filter papers, the unburned portion of the cigarette, and repeat for a filtered cigarette and "little cigar."

Works Cited

Yahanda, a., Getting hot boxes to go. Retrieved February 17, 2012 from Cavalier Daily


February 17, 2012

Exploring Antacids


The use of antacids (a base) to neutralize the effects of a strong acid has many applications. This ability can be numerically analyzed by titrating the weaker base in a known quantity of strong acid until an endpoint is reached.
A simple formula can be used to determine how much of the base is contained in each antacid dose. It is important to understand the amount of base in each dose to determine the true effect of the antacid. The amount and how quickly the antacid acts may be different depending on the type chemical in it.


The purpose of this experiment is to understand the properties of antacids and why they effective at reducing discomfort in humans from excess stomach acid. Several different brands of antacid are examined to determine which might acts more quickly and/or be more effective overall.

Pre-lab Assignment

None required.


1. Measure 25 ml of water into each of 3 separate 100 ml beakers.

2. Add 3 drops of Bromocresol Green and 5 drops of 0.1M HCl to one beaker.

3. Keep the second beaker as it is and add 5 drops of 0.1M NaOH to the third beaker.

4. Observe the colors of all three solutions.

5. Add 10 drops of 0.1M HCl to beaker number 3 and record the color.

6. After measuring 25 ml of distilled water into a 250 ml flask, add one Tums tablet.

7. Crush the tablet with a glass rod and then add 5 drops of Bromocresol Green.

8. Measure 50 ml of 1.0M HCl into a 50 ml graduated cylinder recording the exact amount.

9. Add the contents of the graduate cylinder to the Tums beaker 5 drops at a time.

10. Crush the solid in the beaker each time and swirl the mixture. Repeat step 9 until a color change starts to be noticed. At that point, add only 1 to 2 drops at a time.

11. When the solution is a full pale yellow for a full minute, the solid is dissolved.

12. If.....

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