Balram: I Have Read About Book Report

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You might not even understand many of these words that I am using for, lacking education, and bound in a corrupt system, slaves, indeed, do seem mired in a 'kismet-type of situation where on the one hand one seems fated to remain in enslavement to capricious rulers for life, whilst lacking the rudiments to shake those gates of slavery and attempt freedom.

Democracy, therefore, it would seem may be more important than paving the pyramid with basic needs, such as healthy drinking water and progressing to democracy. With democratic rights, at least, one can be in a situation where all of life is open to oneself and one can battle for the fundamentals of economic development that include sewage pipes and drinking water. Your predicament, Balram, is tough and there are merits to each side of the problem.

I may, if you do not mind, compare your situation to the Black American slaves. Some of them may have had it more difficult than you (at least, Frederick Douglas' autobiography makes me thinks so), but their masters were also capricious and they, too, were blamed for crimes that they did not commit.
Their masters, likewise, forbade them from learning how to read. It was known that give a slave an education, or the power to read, and he would break through his slavery. Nay, more so: many of these who did become educated fought for democracy and ipso facto a way to quell slavery. Yet take Frederick Douglas, he could only fight for his rights and his life, and run away to freedom with his basic needs met. True, he had no sewers in his day but he had the means to keep away from illness and he attempted to keep himself healthy. He would have agreed with you: that drinkable water precedes cell phones. Give a person the fundamentals of human existence and he can fight for democracy. In this, Bulram, you may be correct. Economic development precedes democracy for with the one, you may be better able to achieve the latter.....

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