American Cancer Society the Foundation Has Possess Essay

Total Length: 697 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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American Cancer Society

The foundation has possess the quality and fiscal support to focus on short-term goal setting by looking and focusing on identification and ways to cure and heal the patients that have cancer never leading toward concern and sympathy in putting a stop to malignant cells and prescribing the right medication to save lives. In reviewing the process of the Society and its decisions it needs to make and carry out for the next 6 months, it has done exceptionally well by starting to put more time and concern in to collecting donations and contributions that really make a difference in how the American Cancer Society, (ACS), can spend money. There is three ways in which this foundation is looking at improving the money they are funded with in order for them to carry out experimentations, look for cures, and afford research, as well as improve the facility's rapport with their patients and their families. The American Cancer Society is currently working hard to build up the education and knowledge of focusing on mammographic exams, foreign interactions, and different methods and programs for prevention (Epstein, 1999).
The American Cancer Society has a close connection with the mammography, procedure used to x-ray the breast for precancerous cells and breast cancer prevention; because they realize that if women were to follow the foundation's guidelines to having these types of checkups, along with the machines and additional equipment, the yearly proceeds to this physical condition concerning their and other groups would be an astounding $5 billion. The administration also feels that the encouragement and support is useful in enticing women of all walks of life to have this type of examination because it is leading the way to prevent cancer of the breasts. Furthermore, the ACS has advertised the importance of mammograms by getting in touch with the media and talking to journalists who have wrote about their actions and importance of this procedure in early years by producing photos of women in their 20s that show how early detection could lead to cures "nearly 100% of the time"….....

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