Gender Inequality In Hong Kong Wage Discrimination Essay

Gender Inequality in Hong Kong Wage discrimination is the discrepancy of wages between two groups due to a bias towards or against a specific trait with all other characteristics of both groups being equivalent. In the case of gender inequality, wage discrimination exists between the male and female gender. Historically, gender inequality has favored men over similarly qualified women (Kwong, 1999). In Hong Kong, Article 19 of the Bill of Rights promises rights to women in regards of d family and marriage (Merry, Stern, Deveaux, & Inoue, 2006). The Article give the provision that the family is supposed to be a unit that is a natural and important group unit of society and is permitted to defense by culture and the State; the right of women and men that come from eligible age to marry and to find a family will be acknowledged; no marriage is allowed to be entered into unless it has the full and free consent of the meaning spouses; significant other will have equal privileges and accountabilities as to matrimonial, during marriage and at its disbanding and that in the case of termination, establishment will be made for the essential defense of any children. With that said, this paper will discuss the inequality that goes on in Hong Kong.

What is Gender Inequality?

Gender inequality in Hong Kong has a lot to do with the disparity that has been going among individuals by reason of gender. Gender is created both publicly through social exchanges as well as in nature through chromosomes, hormonal differences and brain structure (Merry, Stern, Deveaux, & Inoue, 2006). Gender systems are frequently dichotomous and categorized; dualistic gender systems may imitate the disparities that apparent in many scopes of daily life. Gender inequality basically is rooted from distinctions, whether empirically grounded or communally created. As the outcomes of a fresh main territory-wide survey on gender equality display, substantial gender inequality still exists in the domestic division of labor, occupation, and community and governmental contribution (Equal Opportunities Commission 1997). Ching Kwan Lee's (1998) relative ethnographic investigations of factory women that are living in Hong Kong and Shenzhen have given some testimonies regarding the position of familialism in determining the individuality of Hong Kong women in the 1990s, who "describe their womanhood and feminineness with mention to family, relationship, and localistic associations, duties, and standards. Their gender individualities and gender benefits are entrenched more in social systems, equally dependent positions, and duties that are connected to others, rather than in atomistic, pre-social, independent, sexual selves" (Post, 2004).

Even though a complete review of patriarchal organizations in the Hong Kong Chinese society is beyond the scope of this book, we confidence to appreciate through the numerous case studies that have presented here how Chinese patriarchy has been adapted and modified in relative to colonial modernism, and its part in globalization and post-expansionism in Hong Kong (Lee, 1997).

Gender Income and Inequality in a Dual Industrial Structure

Dual economy theory makes the argument that women are the ones that are getting much lower wages due to the fact they have been by tradition and disproportionally directed into the margin subdivision. There have been studies in Hong Kong that have brought in the revelation that those that are male production workers are the ones that are earning an average of HK$3,809 per month, and their female equivalents are just making an earning that is an average of HK$2,759 per month (Wu, 2005). Female assembly workforces bring in the earning that is around 72% of what male manufacture workers are earning. Male managing workers are the ones that are earning somewhere that is around an average of HK$4,441 per month, and woman managerial labors make around HK$3,477 per month. Female supervisory workers earn somewhere around 78% of what male managerial employees harvest. The pattern of income inequality that is going on between gender groups is really sort of expected, nonetheless the degree of inequality does have a variance that is within the occupational groups. It seems to appear that income disparity that happens among gender groups in jobs that are managerial occupations is to some extent less than in jobs that are production (Lee, 1997). It could be that in current years, as women have conventional more education and are starting to transition into more administrative positions, their revenue heights in advanced level jobs have gotten better (Leung 1995).

Therefore, income disparities that are going on among genders are clarified by the positions...


Dualists over the years have been making the argument that women have been receiving much lower wages for the reason that prejudices and cultural beliefs on work parts have kept women out of the advanced paying core segment (Wu, 2005). Nevertheless, the empirical indication on this subject is inconsistent. Some have made the discovery that the delivery designs of females and males during the course of industrial sectors do not fluctuate (Lee, 1997). Others have made the discovery found that inadequate delivery designs of males and females in central and periphery sectors are able to give an explanation regarding some of the income disparities among these groups (Kwong, 1999).
Researchers believe that if the segmentation theory has a correct tone to it then we would imagine discovering male workers ruling jobs that are high paying in the core and female workers that are controlling the lower paying jobs in the margin. Women are the ones that do account for 44 percentages of those working in industrial (Kwong, 1999). Some research even shows that some women are not overrepresented in the periphery where there are lower paying jobs that do dominate (Hayes, 2009). Additional, males are not overrepresented in the core where jobs with higher pay are found. Data from research shows that some places are not supporting the proposal that the higher wages of male workers are the outcome of their attentiveness in the core; likewise, the lower wages of females are not because of their attentiveness in the periphery.

Son Prejudice

Gender that is considered to be disaggregated data on infant death in Hong Kong does not make a suggestion in regards to son bias, with males having a somewhat higher mortality rate than females (Merry, Stern, Deveaux, & Inoue, 2006). With admiration to admission to education, in 2009 the Women's Commission bought up some documents that explained that gender equivalence in primary and secondary education had been attained in Hong Kong, with women outstripping men in tertiary education (Kwong, 1999). On the other hand, in spite of these progresses, the Women's Foundation brings up the point that gender segregation education is intensely rooted which may designate changes in family prospects of daughters and sons (Merry, Stern, Deveaux, & Inoue, 2006). Fascinatingly, the Education Bureau in Hong Kong is boarding on an "equivalent chances for all topics" initiative, refusing the repetition of streaming girl and boy students to dissimilar subjects, which strengthens gender typecasting at an early age (Lee, 1997). Hong Kong over the years has turned into a male/female sex ratio for the entire populace of 0.94 in 2012. Examination of sex relations across age groups displays sustained temperately raised sex ratios for juveniles, representing that missing women has become an issue in Hong Kong.

Restricted Resource Entitlement

Research shows that there is restricted data in the section in terms of women's possession of land and property. The law has made is made it that where women and men above that are above the age of 18 years equivalent admission to land and admission to possessions other than land (Kwong, 1999). Women can also easily enter into agreements and apply for admission to bank credits and other types of acknowledgment. It is illegal for anyone who delivers banking or coverage services to differentiate against a person on the grounds of their gender (Hayes, 2009). There still has been an upsurge in women businesspersons in current years. Even though the number of self-employed has been going up for both sexes, among 1998 and 2003 there has been a much better upsurge among women (122%) likened to men (44%) (Lee, 1997). This proposes there may be a rising social receipt of women that are business owners. However, the Women's Foundation gives out the warning that this growth may be a consequence of women that have been choosing to run their own businesses since they have been facing prejudice with employment in large organizations (Kwong, 1999).

Social Institutions

In spite of the introduction of events that have been taken to be able to improve the rank of women, gender equality in Hong Kong is delayed by the perseverance of gender which was prescribing roles that were rigid of women and men in the public and private sphere. Research that had been directed by The Women's Foundation in Hong Kong has discovered that the progression of women is being obstructed by prejudiced fallacies on the roles, standards, descriptions and aptitudes of men and women. This comprises the extensively held interpretation that girls and women do not have the similar aptitudes as boys and men or…

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Works Cited

Hayes, J. (2009). VILLAGE LIFE IN HONG KONG: Politics, Gender, and Ritual in the New Territories. Pacific Affairs, 19(12), 135-136.

Kwong, T.M. (1999). Social Contruction of Gender Inequality in the Housing System: Housing Experience of Women in Hong Kong. Housing Studies, 17(8), 118-119.

Lee, W.K. (1997). Industrial dualism, income, and gender inequality in Hong Kong. Asian Affairs, an American Review, 12(8), 15-33.

Merry, S.E., Stern, R.E., Deveaux, M., & Inoue, M.S. (2006). The Female Inheritance Movement in Hong Kong: Theorizing the Local/Global Interface1/Comments/Reply. Current Anthropology, 45(21), 18-21.

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