Water Pollution in Lake Huron Lake Huron Thesis

Total Length: 1550 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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water pollution in Lake Huron

Lake Huron is one of the great lakes that face the challenge of pollution in Ameica. Pollution in the lake prompted the binational partnership aimed at safeguarding areas of concern that have high quality habitats. According to the environmental protection agency, the partnership undertakes remedial action plans aimed at combating the threat fish, wildlife and public health that emanate from water pollution (EPA, 2012). Being a fresh water lake, Huron has diverse species of fish and other wildlife. Nonpoint source, point source and other causes of contamination of water in Lake Huron are serious environmental hazards that need immediate restoration. Pollution of the lake affects the country's economy and public health in entirety. Besides ecosystem conservation, addressing the causes and effects of water pollution of at lake Huron helps to boost economic growth and improve public.

The major cause of pollution in Lake Huron

Point source pollution is the leading cause of contamination in Lake Huron. This category of causes of pollution of the lake's water from primary source of pollutants. Illegal dumping of wastes into the lake from industries located in the region around the lake. Fecal substances in sewage are a source of harmful bacteria that pose substantial threats to aquatic life in the lake's ecosystem. Bacteria accumulation in the lake reduces the water quality and escalate the risk of public health to waterborne diseases. Point-source pollution is not very massive since it is traceable to the originals and easy to stop. Existing laws and policies are effective in addressing compliance to environmental standards of production and waste management. This is a fundamental measure used to control this case of pollution in Lake Huron.

Visual 1: Point-source water pollution, Unknown location, National Park Service, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2013)

Visual 2: Industrial pollution site, Calumet River, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region V (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2013)

Second leading cause of pollution in Lake Huron

Non-point pollution is the second leading cause contamination of the environment around Lake Huron and the entire aquatic ecosystem. Contaminated run-off lowers the water quality in Lake Huron and the public health compromising situation. Run-off that contains chemicals and other substances as oil and mercury causes potential contamination of the fresh water Lake Huron. Agricultural chemicals from farming in the fertile lands in the south is a potential cause of pollution from chemicals used as pesticides. Fertilizers and pesticides have several effects on the lake's ecosystem health. Cumulative effects of human activities from local land use around lake continue to pollute its environment through run-off. Pathogens contained in run-off cause fish and other wildlife deaths in the lake's environment.

Fecal wastes from animals and human wastes contained in runoff are potential sources of pathogens that threaten the survival of organisms in the lake's ecosystem. Wild animals and pet wastes flow into the lake's water during heavy rains. These are severe sources of pathogens that pollute the lake's water. Dysfunctional or faulty sewer systems may also contaminate running water that gets to the lake (Rose & Dreelin, 2008). Agricultural fertilizers contain nutrients as nitrogen and phosphorous. Run-off that contains nutrients may find their final way into the lake's water. Home lawn management products also contain nutrients that get swept during rains through canals into the lake. Nutrients boost weed growth in the lake and may become cause environmental hazards.

Toxic contaminants have detrimental effects on aquatic life. Oil and gasoline spills on roadways get to the lake as their final destination through ground runoff during rainfall. Such toxic substances can adversely affect the survival of fish and other organisms in the entire ecosystem. Toxic substances accumulate in the food chain through to human bodies as consumers of fish. Pollution from toxic substances, therefore, has an extended public health implications (Stephenson, 2005). They cause cancer and other lifestyle complications in humans upon consumption of contaminated fish. Controlling nonpoint-source pollution is challenging since it has a cumulative effect from diverse sources.
Regulation of nonpoint-source pollution requires enhanced public awareness among members of communities living around the lake. The public must have full awareness of the various sources of pollutants that end up in the lake and how to minimize their effects.

Third source of pollution in Lake Huron

The third cause of contamination of Lake Huron is atmospheric pollution. The effect of atmospheric pollution is similar to the effects of nonpoint-source contaminants. Air pollutants have effects on the hydrological cycle. The impact of acid rain on the rain water on the lake's ecosystem is extensive. Industries that are far and near the lake contribute towards atmospheric pollution through emission of smokes and other polluting substances. Controlling this cause of pollution in Lake Huron requires an extensive system that ensures compliance with safe production standards. Safe industrial production promotes minimal emissions into the atmosphere. This reduces the level of acid rain in the atmosphere and the cumulative effect on the lake's ecosystem.

Fourth source of pollution in Lake Huron

The fourth contributing cause is microbial pollution that mainly occurs along the shorelines of the lake. Microbial pollution of the lake's shorelines contributes to a high level of bacteria in the water. This renders the water unsafe for recreational use as swimming. Fecal pollution of recreational water surface in Lake Huron is a leading cause of infectious microorganisms. Communities in selected parts of the shoreline use sewage that get drained into the lake. Environmental monitoring programs of the Ontario ministry of environment reveal that the southeastern shorelines of the lake have extensive levels of microbial contamination. This increases the content of bacteria in beach sediments. This cause of pollution is a vital source of waterborne diseases and defects. Preventing this form of pollution requires tracking of the sources of microbial pollution and contamination sites along the shoreline. Setting up a perfect sewage system for communities living along the shoreline is essential to avoid microbial pollution of the shoreline. Septic tanks in the affected areas along the shoreline.

Effects of Lake Huron's pollution on the economy

Pollution in Lake Huron deters potential income from tourism activities. Tourism, based around the beaches of Lake Huron can be a source of remarkable growth and economic prosperity if well-maintained. Tourism contributes towards the improvement of the living standards of people living near the lake's shoreline. The natural landscape of Lake Huron together with the several islands are a possible source of tourist attractions. Recreational activities as boating and swimming are sources of revenue that can be helpful in promoting economic development of the region

(Bredin, 2002).

Unemployment is a second effect of pollution in Lake Huston on the economy. Sustainable management of the lake would create employment opportunities for the American population. Pollution deters the creation of social opportunities to the community that are a source of economic development. The local community would gain from employment in the service sector with high performance of the tourism sector. However, pollution of the lake renders it of poor quality and unattractive to visitors because of health and safety concerns. Such visitations would boost the level of employment for the local people and development of the country's economy. The third effect of pollution of the lake is its detrimental impact on the income from fishing activities. Pollution causes high rate of fish deaths that reduce the level of income from the activity. The reduced fish population has consequences on the contribution of such activities to the country's economy.

Effects of Lake Huron's pollution on humans

Pollution compromises the quality of drinking water derived from the fresh water lake. This has related public health implications because poor water quality is a leading cause of waterborne diseases. Microbial pollution of the lake is a leading cause of algal growth in the lake's shorelines and beaches. Human….....

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