Timothy Sermon Timothy 4:2: "Preach Term Paper

Total Length: 1131 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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We can all make a difference even if just in our own mental outlook.

Second we are told to "reprove" and to "rebuke." These two harsh words underscore the enormity of the efforts we are about to make. Also, they illustrate further the proactive nature of this passage. These are active verbs, suggesting direct ways to deal with sin in the world. Reproving and rebuking, like preaching, are communicative words. This passage is about how the word of God can and should be delivered from generation to generation throughout the world.

To reprove and rebuke, we must ourselves be pure of heart. Aim to purify your mind so that your actions reflect God. Then in recognizing the sins of others we can see opportunities to preach the word. Reproving and rebuking may take on the spirit of scolding but we do not seek to judge others. Rather, we reprove and rebuke indirectly and tactfully. In some cases, we can reprove and rebuke literally. With our children, for example, we are responsible for shaping their spiritual values. However, when we move through the world we must take care to reprove and rebuke in mature and thoughtful ways. The first step here would be to become aware of the sin at hand. What does it represent? When have we exhibited that behavior in our own lives? Through self-scrutiny we become compassionate and open our hearts to receive the healing of the gospel. The second step is to clarify the sin perhaps by writing it down for ourselves or by speaking about it to a trusted friend, family, or clergy member. Communication, remember, is the essence of this passage. By silently reproving and rebuking we are therefore bringing other people closer to God. We share our thoughts and feelings to instill spiritual values in others.
We bring the world closer to God when we are able to reprove and rebuke in a manner consistent with the Bible. Sometimes you may find it appropriate to outwardly reprove or rebuke. When our loved ones stray from the path we have the right, even the obligation, to reach out and offer our assistance in the name of God.

Finally, 2 Tim 4:2 tells us to "exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." If we exhort with all longsuffering, we preach from our heart. This brings us full circle to the opening lines of this passage. First we preached and now we exhort. Furthermore, the strength and courage it took to be instant in season and out of season applies when we invoke the longsuffering of Jesus. Our exhortations are borne of his suffering for our sin. It is then through doctrine that we are saved.

Tim 4:2 asks us to dig deep into our hearts for the emotional impetus to spread the word of God. Communicating the word of God helps create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Not only in our words directly but through our actions we can exhort, delivering doctrine through good deeds and righteous action. When we can internalize the gospel in such a way that every word we speak is like a sermon, then we can deliver the good news with joy.


Goodwin, Thomas. The glory of the gospel: Sermon II." Available online at: http://www.puritansermons.com/goodwin/good06.htm

Guzik, David. 2006. 2 Timothy 4 - Paul's Final Testimony to Timothy. Available online at http://www.enduringword.com/commentaries/5504.htm......

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